
Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year! Top 3 Recipes of 2011

大家好!新年快乐! This past year has been quite a year. I can't believe that it's 2012! So, here are the top 3 recipes of 2011. There was a tie for 3rd place, so, there will be 4 recipes instead of 3. I can't wait until the next year!
But, before I continue on, here's a song. :)

Top Recipe:Chocolate Crinkles

2nd place goes to: 
Arroz Con Leche 

Tied For 3rd place: 

Red Bean Mochi 糯米糍  


Chinese Hot Dog buns and Bolo Bao (菠蘿包)

Thank you guys so much for a great year. 谢谢你们! I look forward to posting more recipes! Email  me if you have any requests. Have a happy and prosperous 2012!

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