
Saturday, August 17, 2013

Half-Marathon Training Update + My Week

Happy Saturday everyone! There's one more week until my first fall semester class starts. I can't believe it. I shall have as much fun as I can this last week.

I really hope it doesn't get in the way of my half-marathon training. I always run first thing in the morning. That is when the weather is nice and the sun isn't directly in my face. Also, I know that there won't be any excuses to not train, if I do it first thing. There is always time (to train and to exercise!). You just have to figure out how to fit it into your schedule. Whether it means waking up earlier or skipping your favorite TV show, just get your training/exercise in.

I love running. It's a way for me to clear my mind for a bit and to relieve stress. I also like pushing myself to train for a half-marathon. I see it as a goal to accomplish. It's very possible! Since I've already ran 10 miles, I think I can get up to 13.1 miles! I also like running because of its health benefits (mentally and physiologically speaking). I've been averaging 30 miles a week. Yes, running makes me more hungry but as long as I fuel my body the right way, it'll work out in the end. There is one topic I'd like to touch upon about half-marathon/marathon training but that will be in a different post. Stay tuned!

I plan on running 11 miles tomorrow. Wish me luck. Last week, when I tried running 11 miles, I ended up having some stomach issues during the last few miles. Sorry if it's too much information! I ate a snack an hour before my run and I guess it upset my stomach. I talked to a friend that has ran half-marathons and marathons. He said that the eating probably caused the stomach issues (and I agree!). He said that since I run in the morning, it's better to load up on carbs for dinner the night before. He suggested that I eat pasta (I'll stick to whole wheat pasta). Then, just drink water and then run the next morning. I can eat something after I run. I plan on trying that. I'll see how that goes.

And, now, my week!

Do you guys remember when you were children and played at the playground? Well, that's exactly what I did on Wednesday. I played at the playground with a VERY good friend of mine. We went down the slide, ran around, tried going across the monkey bars and went on the swings. I love the swings!

We also ate at Chipotle for lunch.

I ordered the Sofrita Bowl. It came with brown rice, sofrita, black beans and salsa. It was so good! The sofrita had the right kind of spiciness to it. I love tofu, which is the reason why I loved this meal. I can't believe that Chipotle is now trying to cater to vegans. That's awesome! My friend liked it too and he LOVES meat.

Anyway, I guess that's it for now.
Stay tuned for the recipe for this!

Do you like playing at the playground (or remember those days)?
Have you tried the sofrita from Chipotle? Do you like tofu?
Take a guess at what is pictured!

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