
Sunday, August 18, 2013

Training Update + Weekly Goals

Happy Sunday, everyone. How are you today?

I'm doing fine, thank you very much. Do you remember that I mentioned running 11 miles today? Well, I did run it. And, I didn't have that many problems this time. I ran the whole thing. I'm so proud of myself. I ran 11 miles in 1 hr 47 minutes. It's a little slower than my 10 mile time but I didn't want to wear myself out. The last two miles were hard but I pushed through.

And, don't worry. I'll post about what I wanted to talk about later in the week. It's about running (of course).

Because it's the start of a new week, I decided to start a new "series" here. Every Monday is usually The Tip of the Week. I decided that Sundays will be setting weekly goals. It's the little things that add up, right? So, here's my 3 goals for this week. On Saturday, I will recap on how I did on my goals.

So, how are you guys doing today?
Do you have a goal you want to accomplish?
My big goal is to run a half-marathon. 

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