
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Whole Wheat Corn Bread (Vegan!)

Hello everyone! Happy Tuesday to you guys. I hope yesterdays tip helped you guys with exercise.
Anyway, school starts back up in a few weeks and I can't wait! You would think one will dread going back to school. Well, I want to go back! I want to keep learning. But, having a break is good once in a while.
So, what is today's recipe today? You can already tell from the title of this post. It's Whole Wheat Corn Bread. It's been such a long time since I've eaten corn bread, and I have to say, it's one of my favorite breads.
I remember when I was in elementary school, the 4th grade took a class trip to Coloma. We learned about the Gold Mining days and everything. It was so much fun. One activity we did was making cornbread on an outside skillet. I don't know what it's called but it was before ovens were invented. We had to make a fire to make this. The cornbread was so good! It's unfortunate that I don't remember the recipe. All I remember is that I helped cracked the eggs and that the corn bread was delicious.

Anyway, I decided to make corn bread and it brought back some of those memories. I can't believe I can remember things from that long ago. Anyway, here's the recipe.

  • 1 cup whole wheat flour
  • 1 cup yellow corn meal
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1/2 cup unsweetened apple sauce
  1. Preheat the oven to 350 F.
  2. Sift together all the dry ingredients.
  3. Mix in the wet ingredients. 
  4. Pour the batter into a prepared pan and bake for 30 minutes. 
  5. Test with a toothpick to make sure it is all the way cooked. 
  6. Let it cool and cut into 15 pieces. It will be about 100 calories a piece. 
  7. Enjoy!
I guess that's it for now. I hope you guys enjoy this cornbread. By the way, I tried making dulce de leche in the microwave and it didn't turn out so well. The condensed milk decided to boil over, so, some of that got wasted. Other than that, the rest that actually stayed in the bowl turned into dulce de leche. It's yummy.

Do you guys like corn bread?
What are some of your favorite childhood memories?


  1. Do you think this could work if you nixed the wheat flour completely?

    1. I haven't tried that yet. You might have to replace it with something else, or else the batter would be too watery. You might be able to use all corn meal. Let me know how it turns out.
