
Friday, December 7, 2012

Elf 4 Health Update!

Hola everyone. I'm sorry I haven't been updating everyday about the Elf 4 Health Challenge. Life has just been hectic the past couple days, you can say.  Anyway, here's an update.

Wednesday's challenge was to bring and give a healthy snack to a friend. I did just that. I made Dark Chocolate Chip Banana Protein Cookies. My friend loved them! The only thing she said to add is raisins and it would be perfect. She said that since there were oats, it'd made sense to add raisins too. I'll do that next time. The cookies are simple and easy to make and require very few ingredients.

Also on Wednesday, I got to hang out with an old friend at school and I met a new one too (a friend of my friend). She's pretty cool and she's from Hong Kong. Oh, I miss Hong Kong. Anyway, we ate lunch together and hung out for a bit before I went to class.

Thursday's challenge was to try a new workout. Guess what workout I did. That's right. I tried Cassey Ho's Bikini Blaster Arm Workout from blogilates. It killed my arms but it was a great workout. I love her workouts. Her ab workouts are killer too. You should try them!

Today's challenge was quite easy for me. The challenge is to not wear make up for a day. Well, guess what. I don't wear make-up. I really don't think it's necessary to wear make-up. Sometimes, it makes people look fake if they put on too much too. I like being natural. What I did instead for my challenge is to dress up a bit.

Also today, was my registration day for classes for next semester. It's crazy how fast classes fill up. With the economy and all, I'm not surprised. It is a hassle though and a huge pain trying to search for any open class to fulfill graduation requirements. Anyway....

I've been obsessed with dried fruit and nuts recently. Yes, you can call it trail mix. Peanuts, almonds, cashews, sesame, craisins, raisins, sunflower seeds, dark chocolate chips, yogurt chips, peanut butter, you name it. I've been craving them. I even ate some trail mix today at work today. I also ate a lot of craisins yesterday too. Trail mix and craisins are delicious! The trail mix I ate had craisins in them. And, they had yogurt chips. Delicious.

So, I plan on making these healthy chocolate chip cookies sometime during the weekend or next week. I love her blog. It has so many healthy (healthier) recipes. Maybe I can make these for the holidays.

So, what's your favorite cookie?
Do you wear make-up?

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