
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Dark Chocolate Chip Banana Protein Cookies and Elf 4 Health Challenge Update

Hey hey everyone. I'm sorry about being late for my Elf 4 Health Challenge update. Tomorrow is giving a health snack to a friend!

Before I tell you guys what I made for a snack for tomorrow, I have to talk about yesterday's challenge. Yesterday was counting how much fiber I consumed. I'm happy to report that I consumed 33 grams of fiber. That's above the recommended amount! It is good to get enough fiber in your diet to regulate your digestive system.

Yesterday was also my brother's birthday, so we went to Denny's to celebrate. Not a good idea for someone who wants to lose weight (aka, me). I indulged and ordered this:

It is the Sweet and Tangy BBQ chicken with broccoli and, yes, hash browns. I just had to get the hash browns. They also had garlic bread, which I ate too. I only ate one piece though. I controlled myself (kind of)! The chicken was alright but I really liked the hash browns.

Today was to eat a salad and make your own salad dressing. I actually ordered a Design Your Own Salad at a local eatery. It came with a slice of baguette. Here's a picture: 

It was delicious! It ordered spinach, mandarin oranges, tomatoes, carrots, tofu, cucumbers and cilantro. I ordered it with a sesame dressing. I was in a nutty mood. I also love sesame. 

As for tomorrow's challenge, I made these Chocolate Chip Banana Protein Cookies. They're quick and easy to make. They're also really healthy!

I hope my friend likes them. They're healthy and even my mom approves of them (and she hates the healthy stuff I make). By the way, here's the recipe for the Chocolate Chip Banana Protein Cookies. 

  • 1 cup quick cooking oats
  • 1 scoop vanilla protein powder (about 1/3 cup)
  • 2 bananas (mashed)
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 1/3-1/2 cup dark chocolate chips    
  1. Preheat the oven to 350 F. 
  2. In a bowl, mashed the bananas (if you haven't already) and then add in the rest of the ingredients. 
  3. Mix the ingredients together. 
  4. Using a 2 tablespoon scooper, scoop onto a cookie sheet. It should make around 14 cookies.
  5. Bake in the oven for 10-15 minutes. 
  6. Take them out, let them cool and enjoy.  

I hope you guys enjoy these cookies!

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