
Monday, November 26, 2012

Elf 4 Health

nutritionellaHey everyone! I'm an Elf!

I started the 6 week Elk 4 Health Challenge. It's basically to keep people on track on their health during the holidays. I'm so excited!

I found out about this because I follow the blog The Lean Green Bean.

So, today is Meatless Monday! I'll update this post as I eat my meals.

Anyway, for breakfast, I ate Chocolate Covered Cheerios with fat free milk.

For lunch, I'm having a Veggie Boca Burger with lettuce and Smart Balance Mayo on Whole Wheat Bread.

I'll see what I have later on in the day. Like I said, I'll update this post as I go along.

Seriously, though. You guys should join it. You get to meet cool new people.

And, here's the rest of my meals.

For a snack, I ate more chocolate cheerios and a cup of coffee. The coffee made me feel a little sick though. That didn't happen before...

After that, I ate the Alternative Baking Company Vegan Pumpkin Spice Cookie and some dark chocolate covered pretzels.

For dinner, I ate yam, tofu and green beans. I was going to make Buddha's Delight but plans change.

I admit that I ate a bit too much sweets today but I'm happy to say that meatless Monday was a success. I can't wait for tomorrow's challenge.


  1. I know many people diss Boca burgers, but I think they taste really good!~And it sounds like these elf challenges are awesome!

    1. I love Boca Burgers! They do give some people stomach issues due to soy though. I usually eat them with Sandwich thins but since my parents bought a different kind of bread, I ate it with that bread instead.
      As for the elf challenges, they are awesome. Today was send a thank you note. Tomorrow is to try a new workout.
