
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Elf 4 Health Day 3: New Workout Challenge

Hey everyone!

Today is Day 3 of the Elf 4 Health Challenge. I'm sorry about not posting yesterday, but yesterday was writing a Thank you note to someone.

So, for my new workout challenge, my Elf Buddy, Samantha, from Runningandcupcakes, said I should try this new workout.

I tried it today after going on the elliptical and boy, it was more challenging than I thought it would be. I did the set 3 times, each about 10 minutes long. Thanks again for the workout. I can't wait for tomorrow's challenge, which is to get up early and mediate and reflect. I think it would be good for your mental healthy and reflect on how things are going for you right now. It'll help reduce stress, which I have a lot of right now.

Here's an article about benefits of meditation:

Anyway, back to my life.

I forgot to mention that on Sunday, my cousins from SF came over to visit. We went out to Sizzlers to eat and it was delicious! I ordered the Lemon Herb Chicken with baked sweet potato and unlimited salad bar. It was delicious. Then, I ate some of my cousins sweet potato fries and fried shrimp. I love shrimp. After, I ate some ice cream. I was full but the food was pretty much good to me. I love sweet potatoes.

So, yesterday, I made some red bean paste and this time, it looked so much better! The last time I made it was about a year ago, but I didn't have a food processor to mush up the beans. This time, I did. It tastes so good.

I even ate some with whole wheat toast. My dad and I just like eating it by itself.

Also yesterday, I tried my other PowerBar I bought.

It's the Chocolate Peanut ButterCrisp PowerBar. I really expected more from this bar. It was rather plain and bland. I did taste the chocolate and the peanuts but there wasn't much to it. I surprisingly like the apple cinnamon a lot better.

Today, I bought Quinoa. I've been wanting to try it for such a long time. Finally, I am able to. I bought the organic kind at Costco.

It's hard to explain how this tastes. It's really light and fluffy. There is a bit of a nutty flavor too. Texture wise, it may be a little too soft for my liking but it's still pretty good.

So, what new workouts have you guys tried?
What's your favorite grain?

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