
Sunday, November 3, 2013

Weekly Goals

Happy Sunday everyone. How are you guys doing today?

I'm doing fine, thank you very much. I started off my day with a short run. I planned on running 8 miles but then something came up, so I was only able to get in 4.6 miles. I'll just run the remaining on my rest day on Saturday or fit it in during the week. Remind me about that, you guys!

Here's a recap of last weeks goals.

As you can tell, I did start writing more blog posts. I hope I'm not bombarding you guys with them! I also wrote a Fitness Friday post. It'll help me keep track of my workouts better. It'll keep me accountable. As for my last goal, I ended up eating more chocolate that I should have. That means I'll have to limit my sweets for this month (and the next).

Anyway, here are this weeks goals.

I don't think my goals make sense this week because all of these contradict each other. I know I have to reduce stress but chemistry is stressing me out. And, I need to work on chemistry but it'll take time away from my sleep. I'm doing my best to find a balance and I hope I do. The stress is really affecting me physically and mentally.

Anyway, that's it for now.

What are your goals for this week?
Do you have any other tips of relieving some stress?

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