
Monday, October 7, 2013

Tips of the Week + My Half Marathon

Hey hey everyone. How is your Monday going? Mine has been very busy, so this will be a quick post. But, don't worry. There's tips in this post about my first half-marathon.

So, I was so surprised about all the support there was at the run. There were so many people along the way cheering us on. It really gave me to motivation to keep me going. The race started bright and early at 7:30 am on Sunday. I was the second wave, starting at 7:35 am. I didn't know what time I would get. If I had known I would have gotten the time I've gotten, I would have joined the 1st wave instead.

I started off running a little fast, which was due to the excitement. I was at about an 8:30 mile pace. However, I guess it was too fast for me because I started slowing down to about a 9 minute mile pace to a 9:18 mile pace on average. My race time was 2 hours 1 minute and 48 seconds.

My uncle came to watch the race. He's been supporting me the whole time. I saw him at around the 2 or 3 mile mark and I waved to him. He also had other friends that were participating in the race too.

Around mile 8, I was starting to get tired but I kept pushing (also, I started having a few stomach issues but drinking water helped a bit). It's important to hydrate during the race! I also have to say that don't let others ahead of you make you go faster than what you can do. You don't want to overwork yourself either!

I have to say, it was a great experience. Now, I can say that I've ran a half-marathon. There were race photos taken but that won't be up for a couple days. I might post them later on, if I feel like it. I love the medals. It was a cow bell medal, because the name of the half-marathon has the word cow in it. It's funny. I kept ringing the cow bell at home, annoying my family.

Anyway, that's it for now. I have to say, it's good to start training early on so that you don't hurt yourself on the actual race day. I'm feeling a little bit sore but it's not too bad. I'm pretty proud of my time. For my gender and age group, I'm 23 out of 110. Out of the entire race, 1026 out of 3256 .

Have you set a big goal for yourself and accomplished it?
Do you have any goals right now?


  1. Helen, great job for pushing through the race! I haven't ran an actual marathon yet but I can only imagine how early you need to start training. And great tip about not letting others get to you and then you end up overworking yourself! I bet steady and consistent pace that's right for YOUR body is best!

    1. Thanks! I felt like walking the last 2 miles but with the crowd cheering us on during the race, I pushed through and finished.
      And, you are right. A steady and consistent pace for your body is best. If not, then, you'll burn out even sooner.
