
Friday, October 11, 2013

Food and Life

I bought this Vegan Carrot Cupcake last week from the bookstore and it was so good!

I bought this pumpkin empanada last week at Fluid. I've never tried it before until now. It tasted like pumpkin pie.

This is the turkey sandwich I bought from Costco the day before my half marathon. I love provolone cheese! I'm now a pescetarian, so I wouldn't eat this again.

In our culinary class, we made this pasta primavera. It was good, from what my classmate, Noelle, said. It looks pretty good, right? Recipe coming up soon!

I bought this yesterday from a food truck at school. It's sweet potato fries along with an apple, honey, cheese and almond sandwich on wheat bread. I know, it sounds gross but it was so good! It was the only vegetarian sandwich they had and I was hesitant to try it. I'm so glad I did! The fries were amazing too!

Last night, I attended one of my friend's recital. He plays bass and he's amazing at it. He was in orchestra during high school when I was in orchestra. His performance was just amazing. After watching him play, it made me realize how much I miss playing cello. I'm definitely going to start playing it again. This week hasn't really been my week and I feel that making music will help me feel better.

To end off, I have 3 exams next week, and one of them is chemistry. Wish me luck!

By the way, I attended the 24th Annual Envisioning California Conference today and it was so informative. I enjoyed it and the food was good too. I'll talk about it my next post!

How was your week?
Have you ever tried food truck food?

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