
Monday, May 27, 2013

Whole Wheat Flax seed Bread

Hey hey everyone. Happy Memorial Day. It's a day to honor those that served our country. I hope you guys are having a great Memorial Day Weekend.
So, I made Whole Wheat Flax seed Bread during the weekend and I thought that it'd be best to share the recipe with you guys. It tastes really good, especially with peanut butter or nutella. I know, it looks kind of small but it tastes great! It takes a while to make though, as bread always takes a while to make. At least it's faster than making the Chinese buns I usually bake. This is also a lot healthier. So, here's the recipe and I hope you guys enjoy it. It takes a total about 4 hours from start to finish. Enjoy!


  • about 3 1/2 cups whole wheat flour
  • 1/4 cup whole flax seeds
  • 1 tsp salt (optional) 
  • 2 1/4 tsp active dry yeast
  • 1/2 cup warm water
  • 1/2 cup warm milk 
  • 1/2 cup honey (I used raw honey) 
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  1. In a bowl, mix together the water, milk and honey. Then, add in the yeast. Let it sit for 5 to 10 minutes to let the yeast begin its work. 
  2. While waiting, mix together the flour, flax seeds and salt. 
  3. Add the olive oil to the yeast mixture. 
  4. Then, pour the flour mixture into the yeast mixture. 
  5. Knead it until a dough forms. If it's too sticky, add more flour. 
  6. Put the dough in a bowl and cover it. Let the dough rise for an hour or until it doubles in size. 
  7. After an hour, punch the dough down and put it into a loaf pan. Let it rise for another hour or so until it doubles in size. 
  8. Preheat the oven to 375 F. 
  9. Bake it at 375 F for 15 minutes and then lower it to 325 F. Bake the bread for another 20 minutes. 
  10. Take it out, let it cool and then enjoy! 

This weekend was a busy one. We still did a lot of things, even though my mom isn't feeling that well. I hope she gets better soon. 

So, I went to my cousins graduation. He graduated from Sac State. Congrats, primo! I'm so proud of him.  He helped me so much through my first year of college. Thank you so much, primo. You're the best! I can't believe it went by so quickly! I'll write about my thoughts of the first year of college in another post. 

Then, yesterday was another cousin's birthday party. So fun. I also organized some of my shoes yesterday and guess what. I have like 22 pairs of shoes collected from over the past 6 years. I don't even like shoe shopping. 

I also bought dumb bells since I won't be able to use the school gym until the fall semester. I don't want to lose the muscle I gained. I didn't buy the heavy ones I wanted but what I have will do. 

Last week, I bought some food from Big Lots. I bought the Brown Rice with Red Beans Roasted Red Pepper Triscuit, Kashi Simply Maize cereal, and a nutella knockoff called Cocoa Hazelnut Spread. There's also a single serving Kashi cereal too. I can't wait to try the Triscuits.

 I also bought the Jamba Juice  thai-style chicken & sweet chili protein wrap. It was so small but hey, it was only 250 calories. It tasted pretty good though.

Anyway, I guess that's it for now. Have a great Memorial Day!

What's your favorite type of bread?
Do you like shoe shopping? I don't but I ended having a lot of shoes.
Have you tried making home-made bread?


  1. Sneaking in the FLAX is a great way to get those omega-3s!!

    1. Yep. Flax has omega 3's, which is, as many people calls i, heart healthy I eat this with Smart Balance Peanut butter, which has omega 3's added to it (flax seed oil).

  2. This bread looks and sounds so healthy and delicious!! Bookmarking this recipe right now for the future!!
    xox Amy

    1. Thanks! I hope you enjoy it once you make it. =)

  3. Oh girl~you are a baking queen! This bread looks and sounds amazing, I'm impressed by the way you put the ingredients together. :) And I always love getting little food products and such while I'm at random stores like that, especially because they always end up being much cheaper than usual.

    1. Thanks Ellie! lol. I guess I'm also a cardio queen too. It takes a while to learn how to bake! I started about 5 years ago.
      And, yea. Little food products at random stores can be much cheaper. That's why I just had to buy some of those items. =)
