
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Ice Cream in a Bag and my clothes shopping trip

I love ice cream. It's cold, creamy and sweet. It makes all my taste buds go wild. Ice cream makes my soul feel better. I love eating it on a hot summer day.


It makes me feel fat for eating such a unhealthy thing. That's why I like non fat frozen yogurt or soy ice cream. Greek yogurt ice cream is also very good. I get to eat it without feeling too guilty! 

This is one of my favorites: 

I also love the frozen yogurt that they sell at the Costco food courts and I also love going to froyo places. 

Anyway, what I was getting to was that you can also make ice cream in a bag! It's really fun. Me and my sister play catch with the bag of ice with the ice cream mixture in it. You have to try it some time. 

By the way, since I didn't have all the ingredients on hand, I used all milk instead of half and half and cream. I'll write both versions. 

Here's the recipe: 


  • 1 cup milk (or 1/2 cup milk and 1/2 cup half and half)
  • 2-4  tablespoons sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 tablespoon cocoa powder (if you want chocolate)
  • chocolate chips (if you want them)
  • 1 gallon ziploc bag
  • 2 quart ziploc bags
  • 3 cups ice
  • 1/4 cup salt
  1. In a quart ziploc bag, mix the milk, sugar and vanilla extract together. You can add the cocoa powder and chocolate chips if you want. 
  2. Seal the bag, making sure to not leave any air. Then, put that bag into the other quart ziploc bag. Seal it. Make sure to not leave any air. 
  3. In the gallon bag, add in the ice and salt. Shake it up a bit. 
  4. Put the quart bag into the gallon bag. 
  5. Seal the gallon bag, making sure there's no air. Shake it for 10 minutes.
  6. Your ice cream is done and you can now take it out of the bag. Pour the ice cream in a bowl or eat out of the quart bag. Enjoy. 


Now, here are some pictures from my shopping trip I had during the weekend. I bought these too.

These two Hello Kitty shirts were both $14.99. And, guess what. The yoga shorts were only $4.99. I got them at Macy's. The yoga shorts were on sale.  Yoga shorts usually cost a lot, so I was surprised to be able to find them so cheap. They were on the sales rack. I looked thoroughly, which is how I found them.  I used a coupon and paid only around $28 for the 3 items. 

I'm kinda self-conscious to post these 3 pictures. >_<
So, I got the black top from Forever 21. It was around $8.50. I did't get the shorts though, which were around $10.50. The yoga pants were from Aeropostale. They were around $18 dollars, on sale. But, I also had a 30% off coupon. I know, coupons. So asian. The sports bra was from Victoria's Secret. That one costed a lot.

Do you guys like ice cream?
What's your favorite summer treat? 


  1. Wowww $5 at macys?!!! I should check it out! :) I'm in need of shorts ESP. Workout shorts bc mine have holes And you look great! Though it is pretty brave to post those! I'd be nervous too :P

    1. Lol. Yes. I got the last one. I was so lucky. :)
      And thanks. :) I wish I had a supermodel body though. But, we have to learn how to love ourselves and our bodies. And, I am still nervous. lol. You look better than me, that's for sure. xD
