
Sunday, August 12, 2012

Fun Fun Weekend

Hola everybody! How was your guy's weekend? Did you guys do anything interesting?
Well, I had so much fun. I actually did things instead of just stay home most of the time. So, what did Helen do this weekend? She went out to eat with her friends yesterday and she went shopping shopping today. 

Lol. Yes. I had so much fun, the most I've done since coming back from my trip to China (well, except for going to a swimming party). Funny thing is that, I went out to eat with the friends I made during my China trip. Do you guys remember me mentioning that we somehow came from around the same area? 
So, yesterday was when we went out to eat. We went to Hometown Buffet! I know, we are fatties. But, hey, we had so much fun. We ate tons of food too. We practically stayed there for 2 and half hours. And, yes, we did pig out. Hey. We hadn't eaten much that day. We were hungry. And, after all, we paid to eat a a buffet. We might as well have pigged out. My friend, Tina, saw someone she knew there. Well, she met him before, but she forgot his name. It was so funny because after he left, she was still trying to figure out what his name was. She finally did figure it out though. 

So, I had 2 main plates, a fruit plate, and dessert. My main plates weren't big though. I had vegetables, beans, shrimp and fish for both of my main plates. My dessert plate included cantaloupe, apples, peach, jello and a dinner roll. I had orange sherbet, nonfat vanilla yogurt, cookies'n'cream ice cream, and cheesecake for dessert. I didn't finish all of the cheesecake though. But the ice cream/froyo was delicious! I added M&M's, chocolate chips and sprinkles. So yummy. And, I know. I ate so much! But, I counted the calories I ate the entire day, including the meal, and it still didn't even go over 2000 calories! It's more like 1600. 

So, I also tried their white chocolate cappacino and the horchata. The cappacino was a bit sweet, but it was delicious. I also really enjoyed the horchata. It was creamy, sweet and had a hint of cinnamon. However, I did have better before. They also had other types of horchata, including a fruit type. Man. Hometown Buffet has changed a lot since I last went. It's been such a long time!

My friends, though, ate more than me at the buffet, but they are still thin. They are the typical skinny Asians. Well, near the end, we wanted to take a picture but we were scared to ask someone to take it for us. There was a huge Asian family next to us and my friend finally got the courage to ask one of them to take a picture. After that, my friend somehow spilled her drink. What a nice way to end the meal. lol. We went to Target after that and walked around. That was my day yesterday.  Oh yea. I also received my free Luna Fiber Bar in the mail. They decided to send me the chocolate raspberry. I'll post a review of it once I get the chance to try it. w

So, today, I went shopping basically the entire day with another friend! It was so much fun and I bought a ton of things. I bought 2 Hello Kitty shirts! They're so cute. I also bought yoga shorts. And, guess what. They were on sale! I got them for $4.99. I couldn't believe that it was that cheap! I just had to get it. I bought some other things too, but, I don't have to tell you guys everything. All I'll say is that we went to Macy's, Forever 21, Aeropostale, Victoria's Secret and a few other stores. My friend only bought one shirt though.

It was really hot today, around 105 degrees. So, not many people went out to shop. When it was lunch time, there were some places that didn't have much people going to it, including  an Asian food place. No one was there and I felt sorry for the people that worked there. They looked so bored. I originally planned to go to the Mediterranean place, but I decided to go to the Asian place because I felt sorry for them. I ended getting the teriyaki shrimp with brown rice and vegetables. It was actually pretty good. The people working there spoke Mandarin though. We also got some Jamba Juice after. Of course, I got the Berry Fulfilling, original size this time.

So, I'm pretty satisfied with my weekend. I had a pretty good time.

How was your guy's weekend?
Did you do anything interesting?

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