
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

My 2nd Half-Marathon

Hey guys! I've been a bit busy lately but I want to give you guys a quick update!

I am training for my 2nd half-marathon, which is in June! I am so excited. My running hasn't been that good lately, but I will change that. I am hoping to set a new PR, under 2 hours. Wish me luck!

Here is my tentative schedule. I also posted this on my other blog.

I say tentative because I ran 7 miles yesterday. Today, I am taking a rest day. I don't know if I'll take a rest day on Saturday but we'll see. I may end up running. Who knows!

In other running related news, my uncle is running his first half marathon on Sunday. I am so happy and excited for him. I'll be there to cheer him on. I'll be waiting at the finish line! In the meantime, I'll be running my own 7 miles! Or 8. It depends on how I feel.

I guess that is it for now. There isn't much to update on. I've just been going to school and also doing volunteer work.

Have you ran a half-marathon?
What have you guys been up to?

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