
Sunday, December 29, 2013

Weekly Goals

Happy Sunday everyone. I hope your day went well today.

So, I did pretty well on my goals for last week. I did do pilates, I enjoyed time with family and my new blog is almost ready. It will be ready by New Year. Remember that I will post the link of my new blog on the 31st.

My goals for this week are similar to last week's goals.

On unrelated news, here's something you guys should watch. This young man, Uudam, is singing a song, dedicating to his deceased mother. The song, in English, is called "Mother in the Dream". It is a really beautiful song that is sung in Mongolian on a Chinese version of America's Got Talent. His voice is so powerful and it really touches everyone's hearts, including mine. Watch and listen to it .You won't regret it.

That's it for now. I hope you guys had a great weekend.

Do you guys meal plan?
What are your goals for the week?


  1. thanks for sharing the video - this young man has a very touching voice

    1. He really does have a very touching voice. I cried watching this part of the show.
      His mother was very lucky to have him.
