
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

My Typical Day

I thrive on routine. I have to have a schedule to get things done.

image from
Some people may say that life gets monotonous and boring from sticking with a schedule. It means doing the same thing every single day. Where is the spontaneity? 

Well, here's one thing I have to ask. How can one be productive if they don't have a set schedule? It means that you do what you want, when you want. It doesn't necessarily mean getting things done nor really enjoying something if you are always jumping back and forth. 

Having a schedule doesn't mean that you have to always follow it to the T. Life gets in the way and you have to be flexible. However, it is still nice to have something to follow just in case you don't know what to do. 

Here's a sample of my day. 
  • 4 AM: I naturally wake up. I check my phone for the time and then fall back asleep for an hour.
  • 5 AM: My alarm rings. I turn my alarm off, stay in bed for a few minutes and get up, change, and workout. 
  • 6:30 AM: Shower
  • 6:50 AM: Eat Breakfast
  • 7:30ish AM: Commute to school
  • 9 AM: Get to school and do some homework, study or blog. 
  • 10:30 AM- 1: 30 PM: Class
  • 1:30 PM- 2 PM: Lunch
  • 2-4:15 PM: Homework/Study/Blog
  • 4-30-5:30 PM: Bootcamp
  • 5:30-6 PM: Shower
  • 6-7 PM: Homework, eat a snack
  • 7-7:30: Commute home
  • 7:45 PM: Get home, eat dinner
  • 8-10:30 or 11ish PM: Homework, Blog, Study 
Two days of my week goes something like this.
  • 4 AM: I naturally wake up. I check my phone for the time and then fall back asleep for an hour.
  • 5 AM: My alarm rings. I turn my alarm off, stay in bed for a few minutes and get up, change, and workout. 
  • 6:30 AM: Shower
  • 6:50 AM: Eat Breakfast
  • 7:30ish AM: Commute to school
  • 9 AM: Class
  • 12:15 PM: Workout
  • 1:45 PM: Eat lunch
  • 2 PM: Study
  • 3-4:30 PM: Commute to another college, eat a snack
  • 5-9 PM: Night class
  • 9:15-11ish PM: Get home, eat dinner, shower, sleep
My schedule is not set and stone. Sometimes, I hang out with friends. Sometimes, I have to work on group projects so I have to switch my bootcamp time to an earlier workout time. It really all depends! Just be flexible. 

If you have a lot of things to do, having a schedule really keeps you organized. Keeping a to-do list for the day is another good way to be organized. Check things off as you get them done. Be sure to prioritize which things need to be done first and do them in that order. 

Do you guys follow a schedule or do you like spontaneity? 


  1. i always try to but then end up doing something else… I 'm really spontaneous but do write to do lists to get my stuff done! great post:)

    1. Yea! It's always good to have a to do list because life happens. The to do list can help keep you on track.
