
Saturday, November 16, 2013

Going out for Coffee- Coffee Talk

If we were going out for coffee-

We would be at Starbucks, enjoying a skinny vanilla latte. (Okay, since it's the holiday season, the Gingerbread latte!).

If we were going out for coffee, I would tell you how stressed out I am with school. There are many projects, presentations and exams that are coming up and I just need a breather.

If we were going out for coffee, I would tell you how much I miss playing in an orchestra. I recently went to a jazz band concert and my old high school classmate was in it. I've always been in orchestra since elementary school and it feels so weird that I'm not in orchestra anymore. I haven't even had much time to play my cello!

If we were going out for coffee, I would tell you about some new changes I'm planning to make with my blog during winter break. I can't say much right now, since I still haven't decided if I want to change it. However, I have ideas!

Last, but not least, I would tell you about how my cousin and I are wanting to create our own music CD. We have been wanting to record a CD for a long time (since junior high and we're in college now!) We will finish the CD soon (hopefully). We just have been busy! Hopefully, it'll be something we can do during the summer.

So, what have you guys been up to?

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