
Friday, November 8, 2013

Fitness Friday

Happy Friday everyone. How are you guys doing today? I ended up not doing a "long run" on Sunday due to some things that came up, like I said before.

My running has been on average 30 miles a week It is what I'm comfortable with. I also love going to my bootcamp class. It's really challenging. I still felt Tuesday's workout yesterday. We used a lot of weights! I was so sore. I don't feel as sore anymore today.

I attended a nutrition panel at my university yesterday and I really enjoyed it. It's was very informative and I met a few other Registered Dietitians (RDs). It was organized by the Food and Nutrition (FAN) club, which I am part of. Networking is so important!

I guess that's it for now.

How did your workouts go this week?
What's your favorite workout move?
Mine would have to be squats or push-up to side plank. 


  1. My workouts went great this week - still haven't gotten today's in yet, but I will...I'm determined!

    1. Don't worry. You will get your workout in. And, getting some exercise in is better than nothing!
