
Friday, November 22, 2013

Fitness Friday

Running hasn't always been a passion of mine. From reading my weight loss post, you guys know I hated just getting up in the morning. I wasn't a physically active person. However, that slowly changed and I ran my first half marathon last month! Oh, the joys of running the Urban Cow Half Marathon. The metal was a cowbell! Along with that, you guys read in my earlier posts that I normally wake up at 5 am!

I've been having a hard time cutting down on my running after the half. I've finally cut it down from 30-35 miles a week to around 20 miles a week. There are still days when I want to run longer but I know that my body needs rest. It's been hard trying to revert back to my old workout routine before the half. It's getting close, however.

As for my fitness goals, I'm happy to report that I increased the weights from 15 pound dumbbells to 17.5 pound dumbbells. That's a great improvement! I feel stronger and more empowered now that I have increased the weights.

This is off topic but I cannot believe that Catching Fire is out in theaters today! I've been waiting for it to come out for such a long time. The Hunger Games was an amazing movie and I loved reading the books. I hope this movie doesn't disappoint. I plan on watching it tomorrow with mis amigas. Hopefully, it won't be raining and windy, like it has been here all week. Maybe a cup of hot coffee will change the atmosphere just a little bit.

How were your workouts today?
Are you going to watch Catching Fire? - Jennifer Lawrence is an amazing actress.

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