
Saturday, November 30, 2013

Elf4Health Week 1 Recap

Hey hey everyone. This week was the first week of the Elf4Health Challenges. I'm happy to report that I survived the first week.


This weeks challenges were:

  1. Monday: Go Meatless
  2. Tuesday: Unsubscribe
  3. Wednesday: New Workout
  4. Thursday: Make a phone call
  5. Friday: Track water intake
  6. Saturday: Treat Yourself
  7. Sunday: 100 burpees
I'm doing this recap a little early so that I can keep up with my other posts. Sundays are Weekly Goals. Mondays are Tip of the Week, and Friday is Fitness Friday. 

Anyway, back to the Elf4Health. 
  • Monday was pretty easy for me. I'm a pescetarian/vegetarian. 
  • Tuesday, I realized how many websites I have subscribed too. Some, I forgot about. I decided to unsubscribe to some of them since it was clogging up my inbox. 
  • Wednesday was pretty cool. I did a new pilates workout on youtube. It's been a while since I've done pilates. 
  • Thursday, I called my cousin! haha. 
  • Friday, I drank at least 80 oz of water. I get pretty thirsty. 
  • Saturday, which is today, I am going to treat myself to Starbucks. I'm probably going to buy a Gingerbread Latte and a pumpkin loaf. I haven't tried any of the Starbucks foods yet and I really want to know how they taste. 
  • Sunday, it's pretty easy for me to do 100 burpees. I'm just debating whether or not to do it all at the same time or to spread it out throughout the day. If I do it all at the same time, then I don't have to worry too much about it after. If I do it throughout the day, it'll help boost my metabolism and get my blood going! However, I may have a hard time fitting it in since I'll be studying. It'll be mys study break exercise if I do it throughout the day. 
Well, that's it for now. I did try a new Insanity workout today and it was pretty intense. I thought it would be a little easier because of my fitness level but I guess not! And, don't worry. I'll post my review for Catching Fire on Tuesday. Be on the lookout! 

How was your Thanksgiving?
What challenges did you take on this week?

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