
Saturday, July 20, 2013

Revolt With Reason at Davis

Last night was so much fun! Revolt With Reason made it NorCal and performed at Davis. Fortunately for me, I was able to make it to support them and watch their performance.

They performed at the Rosetta Cafe, a small coffee shop in Davis. The performance was outside though. It was part of a music program it was having.

The only thing I can really say is that they were awesome! They rocked the house. Alex started off with a solo while the rest of the band was setting up. He's really good. Then, the whole band performed, with Tyler as the lead singer. They performed the song, "What Can I Say" first and it was awesome. Here's the video I took with my phone.

They performed a number of songs and I really enjoyed it. Tyler was just awesome, Alex rocked his solos, Kevin knows how to work that bass, and Matt can play that saxophone (I tried learning to play the sax before but it didn't turn out so good).

Here's another recording I took of a different song they performed.

I really have to say, I really enjoyed last night. We chatted after the performance. They had a long week of touring. LA, San Diego, San Francisco and now Davis. That's a lot of driving. They finally got to see the Golden Gate Bridge too, which I've been to a few times. I'm glad that they're having a great time.

Here are a few pictures.

This is a blurry picture of Kevin, Tyler and Alex at the cafe after the performance. Sorry for the bad quality. My phone wasn't cooperating with me for some reason for this picture.

This is of me and Tyler. We tried taking a regular picture and a serious picture...My serious face didn't turn out so good.

There are other pictures too. There was also a huge group photo with everyone at the performance. There was also a photo of the people that go to the same school as me that attended the event. I'm sure the pictures will be on their facebook page sooner or later.

That's it for now!

Go check out their music. =)


  1. Awe loved these vid's :) thanks for posting :) :)

    1. You're welcome. I'm glad you love them. =) Great performance and great memories.
