
Thursday, July 25, 2013

Banana Oatless Oatmeal (Paleo!)

Hey hey everyone. How are you guys doing today? I'm doing fine, thank you very much. My summer classes are over now and summer has finally started for me.
School doesn't start until late next month so, I have time to relax, hang out, and do whatever I want to do. Singing, blogging, hanging out with friends, training for my half-marathon.  By the way, I ran 8 miles yesterday. I'm so proud of myself for running that far (without stopping). It was at a little slower pace than the 7 mile run but I have time to improve.
Anyway, I decided to make oatless oatmeal. I've been hearing about this from other bloggers and I've finally decided to make it. It's suppose to be a paleo version of regular oats. I have to say, this oatless oatmeal tastes really interesting. It's not in a bad way, but the texture is a bit different.
I guess it's because egg whites are used in this.This basically only has 3 ingredients altogether. It's simple and nutritious. I topped it off with some almond butter I bought the other day. Here's the recipe.


  • 1/2 cup egg whites
  • 1 banana, mashed
  • almond butter (or whatever you want to top it off with)
  1. Mix together the egg whites and bananas together in a pot or sauce pan. 
  2. Place over medium heat and gradually stir until the eggs are cooked. 
  3. Pour it into a bowl and top it off with some almond butter (or whatever you want to eat it with). Enjoy! 

It's that simple. I hope you guys enjoy it. It's a great post-run meal, I think. You can call this an egg scramble, if you want. 

Have you tried oatless oats before?
What's your favorite go-to breakfast?

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