
Monday, June 3, 2013

Tip of the Day June 3, 2013

Are you trying to achieve a healthy weight?  Well, here are some ways to set realistic goals so that you can achieve it without disappointing yourself. 

  • Your goals are specific. Instead of saying, "I will eat less this week", you can say "I will eat half of this restaurant entree and take the rest to eat it for another meal." Most of the time, entrees in restaurants are two servings worth or more. 
  • They are reasonable. If you haven't exercised in a long time, it'd be unreasonable to suddenly run for 30 minutes everyday. Instead, gradually work up the length, frequency, and intensity. Start off with running/jogging for 15 minutes for 3 times a week. You can even walk instead of run/jog. From there, you can lengthen the run/jog or adding an extra day. 
  • They are measurable. Having measurable goals is an easy way for you to tell if you're making progress. It'll help you know that you're achieving them. Some examples include, "I will lose 1 lb by June 10," "I will  drink water instead of soda as part of lunch everyday." 

I hope this helps! Weight loss is hard but it's possible! I've done it and so can you. It just takes perseverance. 

Do you have any specific subjects you want me to address in the tip of the day series? 

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