
Monday, May 13, 2013

My past week

Hey hey everyone. How has your week been going? Well, my week was spent mostly at school, thank you very much. Here's what I did.

On Monday, I stayed at school all day since I had to attend an event after all of my classes. The event was in the really late afternoon. It was fun though and I met new people. Before that, I ate a snack. It was this:

It's the Heart Thrive Cranberry bars. I love that they're vegan, healthy and delicious. It sure filled me up. These are a bit chewy though.

Well, on Tuesday, I waited for my cousin while he finished his essay. It was fine. I worked on some homework and talked to a friend while waiting. In my biology class that day, we learned about respiration, the nervous system and the endocrine system. Anyway, after class snack was this:

It was the Alternative Baking Company Gluten Free Chocolate Explosion cookie. This cookie is also vegan. This cookie was delicious! It tasted like a regular chocolate chip cookie. I know. I've been eating a lot of sweets. They're my weakness. At least I'm trying to make healthier choices when it comes to sweets, right?

Anyway, on Wednesday, I stayed to work on my group psychology research project. We talked about how to present our research proposal and how we're going to design the poster board. Again, I had another sweet. I ate a peanut butter cookie from the bookstore cafe and a tuxedo iced latte. In my defense, all organic ingredients were used.  Alex, who's in my group, ate like half of my cookie. So, I don't feel too bad about  the sweets.

Thursday, it was my group debate for my sociology class. I feel that our group won the debate. However, there were no winners or losers for the debate. We were graded on the quality of our arguments.
My psychology exam was that day too.

What was also cool was that the Farmer's Market was there. There were organic strawberries, vegetables and all of that stuff. There was even freshly baked bread a bakery was selling. I wanted to buy the strawberries, but I would be carrying them around with me all day if I had bought them. Instead, I bought the Flaxseed Bread. It's so good! I bought two small loaves. Yea, people at school looked at me weird, probably wondering why I was carrying around two loaves of bread in a bag. Hey. The bread is yummy and healthy.

Friday was work. After work, I went to Starbucks because of the half of frappacinos. I ordered the mocha cookie crumble without the whipped cream and with non-fat milk. It was delicious.

Saturday was suppose to be homework day. I worked on my biology essay and on my history essay. I started typing things up for the psychology poster board too. Then, I went food shopping with my dad. Some things we bought were brown rice and unbleached whole wheat flour from the bulk bins. They're so much cheaper. The brown rice was 60 cents a pound while the flour was around 46 cents a pounds.

On Sunday, we went to another grocery store to finish up our food shopping .We bought organic fuji apples, which were on sale. We bought watermelon and this Spectrum Decadent Blend Chia & Flax Blend with Coconut and Cocoa. They were on sale. I'm adding this to my daily oatmeal.

It was also Mother's Day. We celebrated by going to a family Mother's Day potluck. I baked some brownies and some deviled eggs. At the potluck, the moms got to relax and one of my uncles brought flowers to give to all the moms. I also sang karaoke with my cousins, which was so much fun. 

Anyway, that's how my week has been. 

Do you like karaoke?
Do you like singing?
How was your Mother's Day? 

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