
Friday, April 12, 2013


Life has been quite hectic this week. It had its good and bad.

Let's start with Tuesday, since I'm being a rebel and I decide to not start the week on a Sunday or Monday.

So, on Tuesday, the bad thing was that I had my psychology exam. I thought that it was hard. I studied for it though. However, the good thing is that, I passed the exam! The other upside on Tuesday is that I learned more about proteins and mutations that can happen in my biology class. It was pretty interesting.

On Wednesday, the bad thing was that I had my history exam. I had to write two essays and respond to five terms, 1 paragraph each. The bright side? I went out and got some froyo with my friend.

We went out to celebrate because on Monday, I passed my driver's test, on the first try. I got my license! I'm so happy. The test instructor said that he likes the way I drive. He says it's safe but aggressive. I don't now if that's good or not but I passed! That day on Monday, I bought myself a Vegan Sesame Almond Cookie from my school bookstore just because I passed.

Also on Wednesday, I tried the bookstore's Cranberry Scone. I know. My diet's been bad, but at least the ingredients were all organic! My school bookstore's cafe sells only organic things. But, yea. I ate this while studying for my history exam since I was so nervous!

The scone was pretty good but I didn't like the cranberries. It gave the scone a weird flavor. I don't know. That's just me though. It's weird because I like craisins. Anyway...

Thursday was my night class day. I went on the elliptical that day after completing This Fit Chick's Summer Slim Down Workout. Her workout plans are mainly weight lifting. However, I wanted to utilize my school's gym's Calories to Kilowatts program. The elliptical I use to exercise will generate electricity for the whole campus to use. It's more environmentally friendly. I just had to use it.

My night class was my sociology class and it was pretty fun. We played a game and each time a team wins 3 points, they get candy! You know I love chocolate. The professor would say a sentence or a few sentences and we would have to say which reasoning fallacy it uses. It was pretty fun and entertaining. Sad thing is that, the class is 3 hours long. I got some chocolate though! ;)

Another good thing about Thursday, which was yesterday, is that I interviewed Tyler Church. He's the lead singer and guitarist for the band Revolt With Reason. I'm sure you guys know I've mentioned the band before. They're awesome. It was nice chatting with him and catching up. We both have been so busy! Anyway, the interview will be up sometime during the weekend. Here's a picture of me and him while I was interviewing him. It's a bad picture, but at least you get to see how we look. The interview took place on campus.

And today, Friday, was okay. On the lightrail, some old creepy dude started talking to me. A guy around my age went on the lightrail at the next stop and I tried to signal to him that I needed help. He just smiled and listened to his music. Gee, thanks dude (sarcasm). But then, a girl around my age noticed and helped me out. Thank you so much for helping me. It's like, the 3rd time a guy has tried talking to me and trying to get my number and that stuff on the lightrail. Ugh. I hate the lightrail.

Then, I went to Fluid to buy an iced black and white mocha (semi-sweet chocolate and white chocolate). I ordered it with soymilk. It was so good! I also tried their gluten free oatmeal cookie and it wasn't that bad. I actually liked it.  I ate it while I was working. I was working on making charts and that stuff to be used for notes and presentations.

Anyway, that was my week. I started weight lifting and I feel so intimated by others. I've also never heard guys grunt like that before while lifting. Now, I understand why! My muscles are so sore now. Also, my new breakfast staple is a cup of coffee with oatmeal cooked with almond milk, cinnamon, stevia and pb.

Do you have any friends that are part of a band?
What are your thoughts on public transportation?
How was your week?

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