
Friday, April 19, 2013

Cinnamon Agave Roasted Chickpeas

Hey hey everyone!

How are you guys doing today?

I'm just here to pop in and share a recipe. It's cinnamon agave roasted chickpeas. They're delicious! I eat snack on them and I eat them with my salads too.

But, before I give you guys the recipe, I would like to say a huge thank you to Marie from the blog RA RA Runners. I interviewed Tyler Church, her son, who happens to be the lead singer and guitarist in the band Revolt With Reason. She supports her son's band and wrote a quick blog post about the interview. (click on the link)
What's amazing is that she still runs even though she has Rheumatoid Arthritis. She writes about her life and running experience with it. Check out her blog.

Now, here's the recipe for the Cinnamon Agave Roasted Chickpeas. By the way, another name for chickpeas is garbanzo beans. I remember that I made cookies that were made out of garbanzo beans for my public speaking class (which Tyler was in) and everyone was surprised they had garbanzo beans in them. I kept the ingredient a secret until the next class meeting.


  •  two cans garbanzo beans (15 oz each), drained
  • 1/4 cup agave
  • 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon
  • a pinch of salt (optional, I didn't use it)

  1. Preheat the oven to 400 F. 
  2. Drain the can of garbanzo beans if you haven't already. Dry them really well and soak out most of the water that you can. 
  3. Pour the beans into a bowl . Place all the ingredients in and mix. 
  4. Pour and spread out evenly all the chickpeas (garbanzo beans) onto a baking sheet. 
  5. Bake for 35 to 45 minutes, depending on how crispy or soft you like your beans. 
  6. Let it cool and enjoy. I do warn you though, watch the beans. They may burn. 

I love eating these with salads or just eating them plain as a snack. Enjoy! 

Now. let's get back to my week.

This week has been alright at school. Well, it hasn't really been alright but it's been okay. I had to take 3 exams this week. I'm happy to say that I aced my biology exam and that I passed one of my chemistry exams. I'm so happy about that. I'm still waiting for the results for my other exam.

Lately, my workouts have been mainly weight lifting, HIIT and the elliptical. I have ran once so far this week. I'm happy to say that I am getting stronger! But, I will talk more about my workouts in another post. 

Another thing is that yesterday was my night class. Well, we have a debate, as I think I've mentioned before. Our debate topic is really hard to argue. I will not say the topic since it is controversial but what I can say is that it has been debated in the US Supreme Court (which gives you a HUGE hint of what it is). My group has been researching like crazy but it's hard to come up with at least 3 good reasons. We have only one good, valid reason. By the way, this is for my sociology class. 

I also have a lot of papers and or projects due all pretty soon. It's so stressful! But, I will work on it. I have to write a response paper for my history class, revise my group debate outline, finish writing my book critique (that I'm 3/4 done with), and revise the introduction for my group psychology research project. It's all due in a couple weeks. Wish me luck! For my book critique, I may post it on here after I turn it in to my professor. I think it'll be an interesting read BUT it will be long. And, no copying once I post it. The book is: A Country for All: An Immigrant Manifesto by Jorge Ramos.

I also bought the Morning Star Chipotle Black Bean Burger from Costco.

It's delicious and it smells so good.

But, yea. I was busy studying for exams all this week. Sorry for not posting as often as I want to.

How have you guys been?
Do you like black bean burgers?
What's your favorite school subject?

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