
Saturday, April 27, 2013

Chicken Salad Sandwich

Hey hey everyone. How are you guys today?
I'm sorry about my previous post if it had any negative feelings or anything. I just felt like I had to say that. The number on the scale is not important. As long as you are healthy and living a healthy lifestyle, you should be happy with yourself.
Anyway, this week has been really busy. I'll talk about it later in the post. For right now, I'm going to give you guys my chicken salad sandwich recipe. It is actually a Southern inspired recipe. I hope you guys enjoy it!


  • 12.5 oz can chicken breast, drained
  • 1/3 cup chow chow (a Southern picked relish dish)
  • 2 tablespoon mayo
  • slices of bread 
  1. Mix the chicken, chow chow, and mayo together. 
  2. Spread the mixture onto one slice of bread. 
  3. Place another slice of bread on top of the mixture. Enjoy! 
I know, this may seem like such a simple recipe. However, it's delicious! You can use store bought chow chow or homemade ones. 

Now, let's talk about my week. 

Monday was relatively a slow day. Nothing really happened that day. Tuesday was the same thing. All I did those two days were attend class and do homework. However, at the gym, FOX40 was there. They wanted to talk about the calories to kilowatts thing at the gym. I'm in the background of that recording! Score. haha. I got to be on TV.

Wednesday, I showed my cousins around campus. It was pretty fun. I didn't really do much that day though.

Thursday was pretty fun and busy. Talking to professors, doing homework, going to class, working out, you get what I mean. It was my night class day and my group finally got something together for our debate. I also finally got some Panda Express. They added a brown rice option and I just had to try it. I got the brown rice, honey walnut shrimp and the mushroom chicken. It was yummy! I love honey walnut shrimp.

Also on Thursday, there was a Farmer's Market in front of my school's bookstore. I bought two freshly made granola bars from a local bakery. They were so good! Chocolate Chip Granola Bars and Harvest Granola Bars. The chocolate chip one also had coconut in it. The harvest one had some raisins. It didn't have chocolate chips though. It was more like a cake than a granola bar. Still yummy! I so wanted to buy the strawberries but I didn't want to carry them around school all day and night (because of my night class).

Yesterday was a pretty chill day. I ran 6 miles! I rarely have the time to run 6 miles. It feels so good running! I walked a mile after. I also talked on the phone to a friend who's been so busy. It was nice.

Today was dentist day. Meaning, teeth cleaning. I guess everyone has to see their dentist at least once or twice a year, right? I would say so.

Anyway, I guess that's it for now!

Do you like going to the dentist?
Have you ever been on TV?

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