
Monday, March 25, 2013

Peanut Butter Agave Protein Balls

Hey hey everyone. How are you guys today? It's my first official day of Spring Break and guess what? It's spent at home, relaxing.
I guess it's okay, even though I'd like to travel instead. I want to visit Spain, China, Hawaii or some other places. Anyway, I'm satisfied that I've been pretty much productive on my first day of break. I finished writing my history paper and I ran 6 miles today. For my history paper, I had to read Slaughterhouse Five and write a response paper to it. As for my running, I had to run on the treadmill. It was okay though. I wasn't even planning running that long but I guess I just kept going since I was listening to my favorite songs.
Anyway, I'm here to post this recipe, my Peanut Butter Agave Protein Balls. I just made them recently and they are delicious and addicting. If you add dark chocolate chips, it tastes even better (well, if you like chocolate, that is). These still taste great just as is. So, here's the recipe.

Servings: ~ 21 peanut butter agave balls
Calories: ~ 70 calories each


  • 1/2 cup all natural peanut butter
  • 1/4 cup agave
  • 1 cup oats
  • 1 scoop vanilla protein powder
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon
  1. In a mixing bowl, cream together the agave and the peanut butter. 
  2. Mix in the oats, protein powder and ground cinnamon. 
  3. Form into balls and place on a plate.
  4. Refrigerate for at least 1 hour. 
  5. Enjoy!

I hope you guys enjoy the protein balls. 

So, the past weekend has been fun. On Saturday, I went to Starbucks and In-N-Out Burger. It was fun and it was nice. It's been such a long time since I last ate a cheeseburger. I felt like a pig eating it but it was alright. I ordered the White Chocolate Mocha with Soymilk from Starbucks.

Yesterday, I went to Six Flags with the family. It was fun. I'm just scared now, since for the roller coasters that go upside down, it doesn't feel that secure. The safety belt is kind of loose on me. Other than that, I love roller coasters. 

I also ordered the Shamrock Shake from McDonald's after spending a few hours at Six Flags. 

It actually looked somewhat like the actual picture. The cherry looked fake though. I didn't eat the cherry. However, the rest of the shake tasted like a vanilla milk shake with mint flavor mixed in. It wasn't bad. It looked kind of cool since it's green but it's not something I would order again. I just wanted to try it since it's only available in March. 

After, my family and I went shopping and I bought these heels. 

I know, I bought heels on Saturday but I couldn't resist buying these. They were only 10 dollars! They look good on me too. I'm getting obsessed with heels now. Well, maybe it's because I'm short....Anyway, I just hope I don't trip while walking with them on. They're 5 inch heels. The other pair is 4 inch. 

Also, I've been using this No. 7 Total Renewal Micro-dermabrasion Exfoliator

I actually really like this product. After using it, it makes my skin feel softer and smoother. My acne also is looking better too. I'm not breaking out that much and I've been using it for a couple weeks. 

I guess that's it for now.

So, do you like writing papers?
What's your favorite type of shoe?
What exercise do you do?


  1. THOSE look crazy addicting!!! How many did you eat?! LOL!!!

    PS: HATE writing papers but love writing in general! :) I am a writer actually! lol... Wait, why is that funny?

    1. I've eaten 5 so far. I'm trying to control myself!

      And, I agree. I hate writing papers, unless it's a topic I like. I was actually in journalism in high school and wrote articles for the school paper.

  2. haha I have to admit that a great pair of heels is really hard to beat!! I barely own any~I think actually have only one pair of formal heels? 0_0 But it's just one of those pieces that are so useful for important events, and the older we get the more of those we have to attend, so that's a great buy Helen!

    1. Yea. It's hard to find a great pair of heels. I only own like two now, and I bought them the past weekend! I'm so happy to have found them so inexpensive. They can cost quite a lot.
