
Sunday, March 3, 2013

My Weekend

Hey hey everyone! How are you guys doing today?

I'm doing pretty good, thank you very much. My weekend has been quite busy. Let's get down to business.

Yesterday, I went to the mall. I needed to buy khaki or white pants since I start volunteering at the hospital tomorrow. I'm so excited and so nervous at the same time! I eventually did find one at Sears! It was $19.98. It was one of the cheapest I found at the mall and it looked the best on me.

We spent 6 hours at the mall, going through stores and walking back and forth. It was quite a workout. I got a Vanilla Spice Latte from Starbucks, the skinny slice pizza from Sbarro and some ice cream from Coldstone Creamery. I ordered a dark chocolate and coffee combo with M&M's from Coldstone. It was so good! I'm glad I indulged. It was actually my first time eating ice cream from that place. Here's the pics.

The skinny slice was actually pretty good, especially for 270 calories! I loved how generous they were with the veggies and the crust was pretty decent.

Today, I showed my parents around campus. It was a nice day today. I bought them an Iced White Chocolate Mocha from EcoGrounds. My parents (especially my mom) loved it. I bought myself the Mayan Mocha with soymilk.

I also bought this Chocolate Heart Thrive Bar. I'm going to eat this sometime but I don't know when. It's vegan and it has simple, healthy ingredients. It's only 3 WW points, if any of you guys are doing Weight Watchers. These are so cute since they're heart shaped!

I also got my hair trimmed since it's been a while since I got it cut. The last time was actually in China. That was in July. I know, it's been too long.

We also went to Target. Here's a few of the things I got.

I got some Egg Beater's egg whites. I don't like the yolk of eggs, so egg whites are much easier for me to use. As for the Natural Jif, it was much cheaper than the Natural Skippy brand. I looked at the nutrition and this Natural Jiff is a bit better for you anyway. I guess Skippy costs a lot more since it's more of a brand name. Brand name things aren't always the best either. Also, I got Dark Chocolate Peanut M&M's. I needed a "healthier" fix for my sweet chocolate cravings. I hope I can control the servings. Wish me luck on that!

As for the No.7 Total Renewal, I hope it'll have an effect on my skin. A good one, at that. It's a brand from Britian and I've heard good things about it.

And, do you remember my Heart Rate Monitor Watch? I figured out that I burn about 1837 calories without doing exercise. Here's proof.

For jogging 17 minutes , I burn about 147 calories. That's not that much but I guess it's due to my size. Then again, I was just jogging, not doing my regular running.

I'm also surprised that I don't burn that much when I do Blogilates HIIT workouts. For one 10 minute video, I only burn about 50 calories.

Well, I guess that's it for now. My next post is going to be an Asian style black bean patty. Be on the lookout!

So, how was your weekend?
Have you tried using Heart Rate monitor watches before?

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