
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Power Bar Harvest Toffee Chocolate Chip Review

Aren't energy bars delicious? I love how some bars are actually "healthy" and taste just like dessert. That's how this PowerBar tastes. This Power Bar Harvest Toffee Chocolate Chip tastes delicious. I ate this after my workout along with a cup of coffee.
So, how does the bar taste? It's chewy and it's sweet. Of course. But, you can really taste the toffee. It's spread ALL throughout the bar, which I like. I also like how it's dense, unlike other bars. However, the chocolate taste was barely there. I was expecting to taste at least some chocolate in every bite. There were spots that I tasted chocolate but not as much as I wanted. Oh well. It's still really delicious and I like it better than my favorite LUNA White Chocolate Macadamia Bar. Now, that's really hard to beat. And, this did it.

Anyway, don't worry about the Black Bean Burger Recipe. I will get that posted soon. Maybe tomorrow, when I have more time. It takes a long time uploading pictures from my camera. The pictures I take of these foods I eat are from my phone, which uploads instantly. And, I'll have more reviews coming up and everything.As I've mentioned before, I've been eying McDonald's Holiday Pie. I'm still debating whether I should buy that. I've also been wondering whether I should try this Vegan cookie from this bakery. Well, I'll see.

As for workouts, here's some things I reccomend doing:

30-Day Shred
body weight exercises using handweights
jumping rope
hula hoop
Tone It Up Workouts

Anyway, what's your favorite energy bar?
What's your favorite workout?

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