
Sunday, September 23, 2012

Dulce de leche

I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I finally get to eat dulce de leche! I've been craving it so badly, especially eating it as alfajores. I haven't eaten them for a year a so and same with dulce de leche. It's so rich and sweet, but boy, does it taste so good. I finally made it a couple of days ago and I'm here to share the simple recipe with you.
It's simple because you don't have to use the stove top method with all it's separate ingredients. I tried that before, but it never thickened up to my liking. It tasted delicious though, but it took at least a couple hours, tons of gas for the stove top and a hot kitchen.
Anyway, here's the "recipe". It's so simple and the results are good. Eat it with toast, ice cream, apples, chocolate chip cookies or even make peanut butter dulce de leche sandwiches with them. Go make alfajores with them too, a great Argentine treat.


  • a can of sweetened condensed milk (you can use up to 2 cans in a slow cooker, if you would like more)
  • a slow cooker
  • water
  1. Remove the label from the cans. 
  2. Place the cans in the slow cooker. 
  3. Fill the slow cooker up with water, making sure the water is at least 1/2 inch above the cans. I think I did 1 inch. 
  4. Set it to low and let it sit there for 8 hours. Do 10 hours if you are using 2 cans. 
  5. Take the cans out and let them cool before opening the cans. 
  6. Enjoy. 
  7. Take note that if you place the dulce de leche in the refrigerator, it will get thicker (which I like). You can place it there before using it. 

 So, do you guys like dulce de leche?
How do you usually eat it?

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