
Saturday, September 1, 2012

CLIF Chocolate Almond Fudge Bar Review

It's official. I have an obsession with granola/energy bars. They are delicious and they are  quick and easy snack (or even meal, depending on the calorie count and the composition of the bar). From my last post. you saw that we bought chewy granola bars. They are for the whole family. And from previous  posts, I bought the CLIF Crunch Bars and even Luna bars and some type of kashi bars.
Just yesterday, I went to my local grocery store and bought these:

I know, right? I bought more bars. I bought a Balance Bar Cookie Dough because I wanted to try it. I also got Kashi since they're suppose to be good. I've had their Trail Mix Bars and they Go Lean Crisp bars as well.
Anyway, back to the Chocolate Almond Fudge Bar. Here's a picture of it.
 Doesn't it look appetizing? The bar is darker than other CLIF bars because of the chocolate. You can also see the almond pieces, which is really nice. 
As for the taste of the bar, it was delicious! It's one of my most favorite bars. Even though it has it's own chewy oat texture ,there also was a fudge texture with it as well, and a fudge taste, in a good way. It wasn't overly sweet either, which I was afraid of. The almond pieces gave it a bit of a crunch, which I like! This is one of my most favorite Clif Bars. 

So, what's your favorite type of snack foods?
What's your favorite granola bar?

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