
Saturday, August 4, 2012

My China Trip, part 7

This is the last of my China trip series. It's been nearly a month or so since I've been in China, but my memories of the trip are still pretty good. Anyway, the last place we went to before coming back to the States was Hong Kong! I'll post the Hong Kong pictures in the next post.

I love Hong Kong. For one thing, the weather was so much better there. I'm assuming that it's because of the weather. Their streets are more modernized and they have Disneyland there as well as Ocean Park. However, depending on where you walk to, you will see poverty within Hong Kong. It's just that tourists usually don't want to go in that area.

Anyway, we took a bus from Taishan to Hong Kong on Friday the 13th. The bus left early morning. The bus ride took about 3 or 4 hours, but of course, I took a nap. When we finally arrived, my family had to lug around 7 suitcases through customs. It was a nightmare lugging around all that luggage since it was so much. When we put the luggage through the security screening and it came out the other side, one of my suitcases hit my leg, where I had some mosquito bites! It hurt a lot and it started to bleed. I'd rather not go into detail about the mosquito bite. But, we had to keep going. Then, we went on another bus, which took us to our hotel.

We didn't do much that day. We went to eat at this local diner for lunch and it was pretty good. I got myself some toast , sweetened condensed milk and coffee! Oh, I missed coffee when I was in Taishan for 2 weeks. Anyway, next to that diner was a vegetarian restaurant. I'll talk more about that later.

We decided we wanted to explore the nightlife in Hong Kong. It's quite amazing. There's also more diverse tourists there, compared to the mainland. Anyway, we walked around and my siblings wanted to go to McDonald's for dinner. Well, that day, they had just released the Hello Kitty Frog Princess. We got to buy it. They also started selling their green tea red bean sundae, which I got. It was delicious! They also have wasabi sauce and honey mustard sauce for the fries/chicken nuggets, but I only ate the fries. Their fries are better than the ones in America.

Anyway, we finally came across the shopping area. The flee market. There were so many things. I wanted to buy a hello kitty wallet but it was still expensive. The flee market filled at lest 3 streets. On top of that, it was so crowded and there were so many people!

We finaly made it to one of the main streets and we saw many people performing on the streets. There were people break-dancing and there were people singing. It was awesome. We finally made our way back to the hotel, where I stopped by that vegetarian place to eat dinner. They had mock chicken, mock bbq pork, mock whatever. It was delicious though. They had other things, but I just got a sampler plate.

The next day, we went on tour. I was very skeptical about the tour since locally paid tours aren't as good as the ones that you pay for here in America. However, this tour surprised me. It was pretty decent. We went to one of the historic sites where Hong Kong and some other places agreed to change of government. We also went up this tram up the mountain. We got to see the mountainside as we went up. It was pretty scary but it had an amazing view. I think there were some Australian people on the tram too, because of their accent. It wasn't quite British, but it wasn't all American either. We took so many pictures once we got up. It's basically a shopping center.

After that, we went to this one beach place. It has historical significance but it was also dirty. There were a lot of beautifully crafted and painted sculptures though. There's this sculpture of a fish and there were many people that were trying to throw coins, hoping it would go into the mouth. My dad got it in on the first try. :)

After that, we went on a tour boat. It was pretty cool. I got to see sea houses, where people live in the sea on their boats. We went to a jewelry place after. They had free drinks.

Finally, we went to Ocean Park. Ocean Park was really fun, but we only had 4 or 5 hours to spend there. We only got to go on 2 rides, but we chose good ones. Anyway, the first thing we did was walk through one of their aquariums. It was alright, but the Monterey Bay Aquarium is much much better.

Then, we took this "submarine" to the top of the park. It's built on a hill. We went to a restaurant, where we waited a long time to finally get a table. Then, we realized how expensive the place was, but the tour company gave meal tickets for that place. The food was decent, but it wasn't really vegetarian friendly, unless you count the fruit salads.

Then, me and my siblings went on their water rides. The line wasn't that long, thank goodness. We got soaking wet. Everyone did. There were so many little kids that loved spraying us with water. I was quite shocked since I didn't get that wet on the similar rides on went on in California Adventures and Six Flags Discovery Kingdom. Me and my sister decided to go on an upside rollercoaster, the hair raiser, after, hoping to dry off. When we were waiting at the front to actually go on the ride, there was this one girl that was sent to the front of the train. She didn't want to be in front, but me and my sister were in the middle. To be nice, we traded with her. The ride was pretty fun, but it went by too quickly. Their seatbelts are very secure though, which is a good thing.

Anyway, we didn't have time after that. We just walked around, took pictures, and then it was time to leave. That was about it. We went back to the hotel, went out for a walk, ate and that stuff. The next day was pretty relaxed though.

The next day, we walked around looking at the stores and the placed they had. We went into this mini mall at around 11, but not many were open. Apparently, most of them open at 12. The longer we stayed, more and more stores opened. I ended up buying a new dress.

We walked around more around the city and we stopped by the bakery. I got the green bean bun and green tea sponge cake with red bean filling. It was good.

We also went to this huge mall. It was an actual mall, the biggest one I've ever been too. But, it was also attached to a hotel. Anyway, the mall had at least 6 stories. There were probably more. There were so many stores, but the stuff was really expensive. It cost more than Americas! They even had a grocery store in it. Me and my sister wanted to go to Yes Style in Hong Kong, but as it turns out, it was at the other side of the island. We didn't get to go. Hopefully, we can go to the one in San Francisco.

Anyway, we went to a flee market after, but this one was for buying fruits, veggies and that stuff. I felt really uncomfortable there though. The streets were dirty and I did not like how they handled the food.

For dinner, I finally got some authentic Hong Kong waffles and it was delicious. My siblings got McDonald's. Don't you see how often we went to McDonald's? The trip alone, we went to McDonald's more times that we went to America's in a year. It's surprising. I didn't mention all the McD's trips we had in China.

The next day was our day to go back to America. We went to that same local diner one last time for breakfast, where I got oatmeal with egg whites. Then, we were off to the airport. Their airport is huge! I can't believe it. And, guess what. Out of all the people that I could have been at the airport, I saw my best guy friend there. I knew he was in China, but I didn't know when he'd be leaving for America. As it turns out, we had the same flight as well. It was nice seeing him though. He was traveling by himself. We talked and then we had to board the plane.

I didn't sleep at all during the plane ride. I don't know why. I was really restless though, just sitting there the whole time. Finally, we made it, but the plane arrived there late. We had to go through customs again, which had a huge line. But finally, we met up with my uncle who drove us home. I do not miss the humid weather.

That's the end of my first trip to China! I hope you guys enjoy reading about it ( I know, it was probably boring). Anyway, the next post will be pictures of this trip and then I have a pancake recipe you guys have to try!

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