
Monday, August 27, 2012

First Day!

My snacks and food I brought!
Hey Everyone! I can't believe I made it through my first day of college!

Anyway, it started off with me meeting up with my friend. Then, I got some Jamba Juice for breakfast. Of course, I got the usual. Berry Fulfilling with soy protein. I ordered a 16 oz drink. But, they accidentally made too much, so I got the original! I was so happy. Well, that means more calories, but I got more for the buck, if you get what I mean.

Mi amiga y yo walked around campus until my first class, a public speaking class. It's around 20 students, which is pretty small for a university class. The professor is really cool though. But, I'm not good at public speaking. I know I'm going to have a hard time with it. >_< I have to make 3 speeches! I know..I sang at my school's 5 de mayo assembly. But, that's different from making speeches!

Anyway after that, I started working on my online psychology class. It's actually easier than my AP Psychology class I took in high school. Oh, I don't know why I have to take it when I already took a harder class in high school. That's life.

For snack/lunch, I ate some hummus with multi-grain sandwich thins. It was delicious! I also bought Sobe Lifewater Strawberry Kiwi. It tasted good, but let's just say, it's better to drink this at home then at public. Oh. Stomach issues.

After eating, I walked around with my friend and then I went to my math class (my friend doesn't have any classes with me. I'm so sad.). My math teacher is Asian, of course. He's Chinese. We didn't do much except go over the syllabus. That's pretty much how most classes were. Most classes just go over the syllabus. Anyway, we were released 45 minutes early. But, I noticed that college classes are so much different from high school ones. It'll take time to adjust.

So, I went to do some homework and then I went to the University's gym. I had a great workout too. Well, it was a cardio workout. I also wore my new workout clothes. ;) Yoga shorts, workout tank, sports get what I mean. lol.

My workout consisted of  running around the indoor track and the elliptical. I felt so comfortable being at the gym. I was in my "zone" you can say. I forgot the saying. But, you guys should get what I mean. I ran 4 miles around the track. I averaged an 8 min 10 sec mile. I kept up the same speed and I passed a ton of people who were either walking or jogging pretty slowly. I was basically the fastest one there. I even heard a guy saying "Dang. That girl's fast and keeps going." Haha. But, 8 min is not that good of a mile time though. There were some guys and this one girl that I tried to get ahead of. It was fun trying to catch up and getting ahead of them. I did. I sprinted my last lap and I passed everyone using the track. There were these two guys that I passed (they were really ahead of me at first) and they tried to pass me up after I passed them even though I was at least half a track behind them before, but I was sprinting. But then, my lap ended and I slowed down. They even said "she's slowing down now." Hey. I've been running for like, half an hour. Give me a break. It was fun though.

Then, elliptical time. I watched TV and listened to music while on the elliptical. I watched Reba, my most favorite show. I hadn't watched it in 4 years after I moved. I was so happy to watch it again, doing my favorite thing, working out. I did the elliptical for about 35 minutes.

After that, showered, changed and then I went to the cafe next to the gym. I got chocolate/vanilla froyo with pb chips, choco chips, yogurt chips and a bit of coconut and some strawberry slices. It was delish! I should have bought the nutella sandwich. I love nutella and I haven't eaten it for months..Maybe I'll buy it tomorrow. Then, I ate my Cool Mint Chocolate Clif Bar. The Clif Bar was alright. I could really taste the mint. There was chocolate too. But, it's not one of my favorite flavors. It was pretty tasteless (well, it was sweet, but you get what I mean). It had the regular Clif Bar texture.  I just wanted to try it. It was a good postwork snack/meal.
Cool Mint Chocolate Clif Bar

Then, off I went to my 3 hour  nutrition class. I really enjoyed the class though. The professor knows his stuff and is a good instructor. I was really interested and everything, and I didn't feel like falling asleep at all even though it's 3 hours. We actually started talking about nutrition. We talked about the overview of nutrition, carbs, fats and that stuff. I enjoyed it.

Finally, I got home and I ate dinner and some apples. Brown rice sushi salad, chicken, egg plant and broccoli. Then, I ate an apple. I was so hungry! lol. I got home really late.

Anyway, that was my day. I didn't make any new friends, but I did meet some new people.

So, do you guys remember your first day of college (or school or anything you did for the first time)?
What's your favorite snack to eat?
Do you guys have any healthy food tips while at uni (especially snacking and the food court?)

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