
Friday, August 24, 2012

Brown Rice Sushi Salad

大家好!How are you guys today? I'm doing pretty fine on this hot summer day. Well, not that fine, actually. I feel like I've been eating a lot lately. I haven't gained any weight, but I just had to say that. Anyway...

Today, I made brown rice sushi salad. I was actually planning on making regular brown rice sushi, but I realized that I didn't have any seaweed. I was still craving the sushi rice though. So, I decided to through the filling in together with the sushi rice, and there you go! Brown rice sushi salad. Sounds pretty easy to make. And, it was easy to make! The only problem is that it's sort of time consuming, the way I made it. So, here's the recipe.

  • 2 cups uncooked brown rice
  • 3 sticks imitation crab meat (add another stick if you like more)2
  • 1/2 package of firm tofu
  • garlic salt
  • 1/3 cup rice vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons mirin
  • 3 tablespoons sugar
  • 1  1/2 tsp salt
  1. Cook the brown rice how you would normally cook it. I soaked the rice in water for 1 hr, then drained the water. Then, I added 3 and half cups of water and cooked it in the rice cooker. 
  2. In the meantime, cut the tofu into small cubes and then season the tofu with garlic salt. Preheat the oven to 400 F.  Bake it for 20-30 minutes.
  3. Once the rice is done cooking, mix together the vinegar, mirin, sugar and salt in a small bowl. Then, pour it into the rice and mix. 
  4. Cut up the imitation crab meat and mix it in with the rice. 
  5. Then, mix in the tofu. 
  6. You can add avocado, if you want, but I didn't have any on hand. 
  7. Enjoy. :)

I hope you guys enjoy this recipe. :)

On another note. I can't wait for school to start. A new chapter of my life. Oh. College. 

So, what's your favorite type of sushi?
Do you prefer certain types of ethnic food?
Do you guys have any tips for college?

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