
Friday, June 1, 2012

What I did Today and Vegetarian Burrito and Horchata (Rice Milk)

Hello everyone. I can't believe. I'm finally done with high school. Today was the seniors last day. I'm going to miss all my classmates, teachers and friends. We've been through so much together the past 4 years.
I remember my first day as a freshman. I didn't know anyone since most of my middle school classmates decided to go to another high school. Some of us have gotten pretty close though.
I'd just like to mention a few teachers that I find memorable during my high school years:
Mr. and Mrs. Wong, Mr. Starace, Mr. Guevara, Mr. Douglas, Mr. Griffin,  Mr. Perry, Mr. Warren, Ms. Lora, Mr. Villarreal, Mr. Vang, Ms. Badoza, and Mr. Aguilar. These teachers are amazing and teach very well. They are very passionate about it. They make the class fun. And, some of these teachers have helped me through many things. I thank you guys for making my high school experience great. I know, I said I'd only mention a few teachers, but I couldn't just name a few. I had to name all of them.
As for the people I've met in high school, there are a few that I have to mention, but just by first name. For my first 2 years of high school, I really have to thank Jo, Julianna, Eunice, Lorna, Sarah, Taili, Gabi and Gavin. That's for the people I met in high school. The last 2 years, I really have to thank Jo, Gabi, Heather, Vlad, and Julianna. Thank you guys so much for making my high school experience a great one. You guys are great friends. :) There are many other people I have to thank, but I just listed the ones I actually met in high school. I'll update a new list later on in which has every person that I want to remember from high school and that are my friends. Every single person is important.
Now, let me briefly describe my last day of high school. In my AP Spanish class, we went on a "field trip" to a Mexican food place across the street. This was first period. I ordered a Vegetarian burrito, which had lettuce, guacamole, rice, beans and sour cream. However, I asked for no sour cream.
 The burrito is actually bigger than that. I had already eaten 1/3 of the burrito when I took the picture. I also bought the horchata, which is rice milk. I've never tried it before until now and it's amazing. Really sweet though. It's made with rice, milk, cinnamon and sugar. If you ever tried the rice pudding, it tastes like that but in liquid form. It's so rich but delicious. It took me 4 periods to finish drinking it since I had to drink it bits at a time. I seriously have to find a good recipe for this. I'll post it once I try making it. 

Now, for 2nd period, we watched a video about endocrinology and took notes. We then turned it in. Yes. We worked until the last day of school. I had a world map test in 3rd period. Then, in 4th period, me and my group had to present our AP Literature Final about cross character analysis. I tried spending the last 2 nights working on it. I stayed up really late, but I also ended up falling asleep while trying to work on it. 6 hours of sleep together, the past 2 nights. That's not enough. The good thing is that my group ended up receiving a good grade on our presentation. :) and, that's about it. We didn't do anything in 5th period as well as 0 period, and I don't have a 6th or 7th period.
That was my last day of high school. There was International Day during 6th period , where all the clubs sell food and where people perform. It was really hot today, so, I really wanted to buy something cold like ice cream, but there were long lines so I didn't even bother. There weren't many cold options this year for food.

Anyway, how was your day today?
What do you guys like to do on a hot day?

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