
Monday, June 11, 2012


My fellow readers. Friday night, the 8th, was the night that I will ever forget. That night, was my graduation. I have started my next step of my journey to life. 

Sounds pretty cheesy, right? Well, I guess it does, but it's true. After high school, you are basically on a new journey. There are no more bells from high school to tell you the get to your next class, no more tripping up the stairs, you get the picture? However, here are two words that sum up life after high school. That words are: independence, responsibility.

You are now legal in the eyes of the government (and their laws). That's what it basically means.

me and Julianna, the author of Weekly Short N Sweet Stories
Now, let me tell you about that night. My parents, siblings and grandparents came. My cousin is also the same class as me, so my aunt, uncle and mis primos came as well. It was a windy night. The wind was really strong and it was hard to keep my cap on my head, keeping it from flying off. While waiting outside with my class to walk in with my walking buddy, my cap nearly flew off million times. It was sad because when I was taking pictures earlier that day before we had to line up, my hat flew off while trying to take a picture. 

My parents bought me a balloon and flowers. The flowers we so pretty.

Anyway, it took forever waiting outside until we were finally allowed to walk in with our walking buddy. We passed by our teachers, who congratulated us. They smiled, we waved and then, we walked into the auditorium. There were so many people, smiling, waving and taking pictures. I heard many people call my name, but I wasn't able to see who called my name (mainly because I wasn't wearing my glasses). It was amazing. The orchestra and band played music too.

Then, there were the speeches and my principal, who always has "the quote of the day", actually said a few quotes. Of course he would. He also always says "It's a great day to be a lion." He said it again at the ceremony. The lion is our school mascot.

me and my friend Jo
R.K. made his valedictorian speech, which included talk about bacon (eww. bacon). But, his speech was really well written and well delivered. There were also many other speeches and a 2 talent acts.What was funny was that our principal mispronounced one of the performer's names. His name is Evan, but he pronounced it Ivan.  He's going to Yale though! Such a smart guy, and a very talented guitarist and singer.

Finally, it was time to call out the senior's names. Row by row, we were called up to go to the side of the stage, give the name callers our name card and then our name would be called. We walked across the stage, shake a million important people's hands, go off stage and take a picture. It was pretty scary. One of my classmates purposely tripped. Someone did a backflip. It was epic, since that person almost fell.

My heart was racing when my row was called up. I was afraid I would trip and fall in my high heels. Then, Me and my walking  buddy were going crazy, saying "omg. omg."  We finally made it. When it was finally my turn, I gave the Wongs (the name callers) my card. I walked out and smiled, shook hands with the principal and then Mr. Griffin, Mr. Henson (both the class sponsors) and other important people. They all smiled and said congratulations. That feeling is just unexplainable. It was amazing, like I accomplished something big.

After, we went back to our seats, the principal said his final remarks, and then we all cheered. Then, one of the graduates actually brought a beach ball and threw it. It was funny and it made graduation even more fun. It was such an amazing night. Then, we went to get our real diplomas.

me and VP Guevara
After, I talked to a few teachers, hugged some of them, took more pictures with family and friends. It was a great feeling.

By then, it was late at night and then me and my family went to a Chinese restaurant to celebrate. Of course, we had to wait a bit because others were celebrating graduation too. The food was good and it was an amazing night.

So, for those younger readers, are you guys excited about graduation?
For the older ones, do you guys remember your graduation? Were there any memorable moments?


  1. I <3 mr Aguilar. But it's sad that he got fired. I heard he had some kind of sexual relationship with some student. What a shame. I'd hate to be that girl/boy who got him fired. He was such a rad/nice teacher. I think it's really the student's fault.


  3. are you talking to me?

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