
Friday, May 25, 2012

Whole Wheat Hummus Rotini

Hello everyone! Today is Friday. I'm so happy, since it's going to be a 3 day weekend.And, guess what? I only have 4 more days of school. I can't wait.
Anyway, my vegetarian journey so far has been pretty good, except that it has been hard trying to get my protein in. My friends think that I won't last long being a vegetarian, but I disagree with them. They tried being vegetarian before but they gave in because they didn't consume soy products to get the protein they needed. However, I love soy. So, I'll prove them wrong.
With that in mind, here is a recipe that I made to fit my vegetarian lifestyle. It's quick, easy and delicious. It's also really healthy. I hope you guys like pasta, because I'll be experimenting with new whole wheat pasta recipes. Here's my first, Whole Wheat Hummus Rotini. It actually tasted pretty good, and the whole recipe is less than 300 calories (and it makes a lot)!  Enjoy.

  • 1 cup dry whole wheat rotini
  • 1/4  cup garlic hummus
  • 2 tsp dried basil leaves
  • broccoli

  1. Boil the water and then cook the rotini according to the directions. It should be around 12 minutes.
  2. Drain the pasta and then place into a bowl. 
  3. Steam the broccoli. Drain and take them out. 
  4. Mix the rotini and the broccoli together. 
  5. Add in the hummus and stir until well coated. 
  6. Season with dried basil leaves. You can mix it in if you want to. 
  7. Enjoy. :)

I hope you guys enjoy this recipe. :) 

So, now, let me recap my week. On Tuesday, I went to a school BBQ. It was fun and the teachers recognized the seniors. I got a mug and a certificate. It was fun, hanging out with friends. I ate a veggie burger (without the buns), tons of random salads, and a lot of white chocolate macadamia cookies. I love white chocolate macadamia cookies. They're the best. Same with M&M cookies. The rest of the days, we did some model UN stuff in my world politics class, a group project for AP Literature, a movie project for my AP Spanish 4 class, I baked whole wheat vegan brownies, I made this rotini recipe and I went grocery shopping.
For the model UN, we're doing the problem of trafficking. It's really quite an interesting subject and is something very important that needs to be fixed. That's all I'll say about that subject.
For my AP Spanish movie, me and my group have to reenact any story we've read in class. It's going to be quite fun with my friends because I'll be filming with them on Sunday.
I'm also in my school's journalism class. At least one of my articles have been published in almost all this year's print edition of the paper, except for 2. That's still really good. For the upcoming issue, I wrote about my experience, performing at the 5 de mayo assembly at school. There's going to be a picture of me and Jose Luis. I also wrote another article about bilingual education. I wrote the article in Spanish and English. Unfortunately, it won't be published in the print edition of my school paper, The Prospector. The article is something different from what the paper in general has printed in the past. I was so disappointed when they said it wouldn't make the print edition and that it will only be online. The editor said it was too long to fit the space needed and my journalism teacher said he needed a bilingual teacher to look over the Spanish before publishing or posting it. Oh well, all that work of interviewing, writing, staying up to finish the piece in time, having my Spanish teacher looking over it for any mistakes in the Spanish edition.. for nothing. No one ever looks at the school paper website.
You already know about the brownies and the rotini. I just wanted to bake some healthy things. The grocery shopping was fun, but I was too afraid to buy vegetarian food because they're quite a bit expensive. One day, I'll be able to. 
To end this post, I'm just going to say that you can be healthy and still be a vegetarian, as long as you exercise as well. Exercise is very important to improve your cardiovascular health. It'll help prevent disease. With that, what's your favorite exercise? :)

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