
Friday, April 13, 2012

Raw Breakfast Cookie

Hey everyone! How's your Friday the 13th going today? I hope it's going fine. I know that mines has been pretty good so far, despite the fact that this day is supposed to be a bad day. It did rain in the morning, but then again, it rained all this week. Yesterday, it was pouring rain. Today, there was only a little. It stopped in the afternoon. My world politics class is doing a model UN (United Nations). Today's Model UN meeting went really well. Also today, I performed in a talent show. I sang Lo mejor de mi vida eres tĂș. People complimented me but I was so nervous while I was singing it acapella. Haha. I guess people do have to compliment performers, even if performers are bad. you don't want to make them feel bad. but, yea. I literally signed up last minute to perform. I wanted to be impulsive for once.
Anyway, back to the raw breakfast cookie. This breakfast cookie is actually pretty good, in my opinion. It will fill you up and it's delicious and healthy. I was hesitant to eat raw oats at first but it actually tastes good and the texture is good too. The idea came from this blog and I adjusted it to suit my tastes. Here's the recipe and I hope you enjoy it.


  • 1/3 cup old fashioned oats
  • 1 tablespoon peanut butter
  • 1/2 scoop protein powder or cocoa powder (optional)
  • 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 1 packet splenda
  • 1 to 2 tablespoon milk (any kind)
  • and anything you would like to add to your cookie (chocolate chips, raisins, nuts, etc.)
  1. Mix together the oats, powder, splenda and ground cinnamon. 
  2. Combine together with the peanut butter. 
  3. Add in the milk until well combined. 
  4. Then, you can add the add ins you want. 
  5. Put it on a small plate and flatten it. 
  6. Refrigerate overnight. 
  7. Enjoy. 


  1. Oh yummmm!! I LOOOOVE Gina's raw breakfast cookie! I don't know why I don't make it more often~hehe, I guess it's b/c I tend to fall back on overnight oats more. :) Oh man, I didn't know you sang acapella! that's awesome~I love music and I appreciate all kinds of different styles of singing. Not sure if you mentioned it--but are you alto, soprano...?

    1. Yes! They are delicious!! I'm not a big fan of overnight oats though.
      and, yes. I love singing..and music!! I actually don't know what I am. xD I think I might be alto though.
