
Sunday, August 7, 2011


Hey everyone! How are you guys doing? Well, I'm doing pretty well. I got my wisdom teeth pulled out a day or two ago, which kind of sucks, but everything is fine. I got nothing else to do while recovering, so I decided to make these pancakes! Don't they look delicious? Yeah, they do. My family loves these pancakes. I rarely make them, because my parents say pancakes are unhealthy, even though they are delicious. I wish I could make them healthier, but, they don't like it when I try to make things healthier, well, the dessert like foods at least. I was unable to eat these pancakes, which I am sad about, but at least my family got to enjoy them. My siblings decided to make a Micky Mouse face with the pancakes, just for the fun of it. Doesn't it look cute? There are pancakes without the chocolate chips too, but, those pictures will be in the instructions. So, here's the recipe for the pancakes! They're quite easy to make, really.

  • 1  1/2  cup flour
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 3 tablespoon sugar
  • 1  1/4  cup milk
  • 1 egg
  • 3 tablespoon butter, melted*
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • choco chips (optional)
 *To melt the butter, you can microwave it.

  1. In a bowl, combine the flour, sugar  and the baking powder.
  2. Mix in the milk, egg, and vanilla extract. 
  3. Melt the butter, and mix it into the batter.
  4. Get a nonstick skillet, or something to cook the pancakes in, and heat up in medium heat. Spray non-stick cooking spray (such as PAM). 
  5. Pour as much batter as you want (1/4 cup, or as big or as small as you want), and then wait until you see bubbles starting to form. Once you see bubbles, flip the pancake. The first pancake is usually the test pancakes, so, it might not look as good. 
  6. If you like your pancakes plain, you can eat it as is, with syrup if you want. Maple syrup is yummy, but you can also add dulce de leche, fruit syrup, or anything you want to eat with the pancakes. 
  7. If you want choco chip pancakes, here's 3 ways you can make it: 
    1. Poke in the chocolate chips RIGHT when you take them off the skillet. They have to be really hot in order to put in the chocolate chips
    2. You can also add in the chocolate chips after you pour in the batter, before you flip it. However, this may cause other pancakes to stick.
    3. You can add the chocolate chips into the batter, and then cook them, but then again, it may cause other pancakes to stick. 
  8. Enjoy your pancakes! 
My sister's pancake

My brother's pancake

Plain, small pancakes


    1. Wow, these sure look tasty! You've been having a busy summer baking treats, I see. ;) As always, I like all the pictures - it really helps to have a visual go along with the written directions.

      1. This is late, but thanks, Julianna. I always take pictures when I can. :)
