
Thursday, February 3, 2011

新年快乐!发糕recipe 很好吃。 :)

恭喜发财!今天是中国的新年. It's the year of the 兔. It's so exciting! What's more exciting is that this is my first blog post! Welcome to my blog, Hevil's Special Delights! I've decided to start my blog on the New Year, just for the symbolism. For one thing, it's a New Year.  New blog, on a New Year. Yes, I know it seems strange, but that's me. It's also easy for me to start off the blog by posting one of my favorite Chinese New Year desserts. Well, they are more like sweets, but let's call them desserts. Before I get into that, I'd like to introduce myself.
My name is Helen, and I am an ABC, American Born Chinese. Now, you maybe have an idea why my blog name has Hevil in it. It's a nickname my cousin gave me.I love singing. I play the cello, violin, and a little bit of viola and string bass. I am in my school orchestra. Recently, I have started learning to play the saxophone. It's quite different and, bit challenging for me. I am also taking Spanish. Be prepared for posts that are randomly in Chinese and Spanish. I love both of these cultures and I'd like to post some recipes about them.                                     
  So, where was I? I got sidetracked. Oh yeah. How did I get into baking and making food? Well, it started 2 years ago, when I was looking through yahoo news, and I happened to find a video about making a clone of a Twinkie. I went to that website, printed out some recipes, and I decided to try baking some chocolate chip cookies from a recipe I found there. That's how I started baking, and that's when my love of baking began. I love baking foods and have other people enjoy eating them. It makes both people happy. Just like how my family loves eating the food I bake, and I love that they enjoy it.                    
    I am writing this as my mom is preparing the first meal of the New Year. Usually, on the New Year, the family gets together and the first meal doesn't contain any meat. It's vegetarian. Besides that, red envelopes are handed out to the children (money!). There are sweet treats that we can eat also. One of my favorites are the Prosperity Cupcakes. They are steamed cupcakes and they have a flower look to them. These cupcakes have "petals". Here's a picture:
So, as you can see, there are "petals". The more the petals have blossomed, the more prosperous you will be and the more wealth you will obtain in the New Year. 

    Earlier today, I steamed some of these 发糕, and they are quite delicious, if I say so myself. My little brother loves them. He always says, " I wish I can eat all of them." He loves eating sweets, which is typical for a young child. 
Finally, here's the recipe. I got this recipe from my aunt two years ago at one of the family gatherings. I modified the recipe to suit the tastes of my brother and sister. So, here it is. I hope you guys enjoy it. 

  • 1 box yellow cake mix (18.25 oz)  any other flavor is fine  
  • 1 cup Glutinous Rice flour 糯米粉
  • 1 cup Rice Flour 米粉  
  • 1 1/4  3/4 cup sugar
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 1/4 cup water
  • 1/2 cup vegetable oil
  1. In a mixing bowl,  combine the cake mix, sugar and both the rice flours. 
  2. Next, mix in the water. oil and eggs.  
  3. Boil water in a wok or steamer.
  4. Fill the cupcake pans. 
  5. Once the water has boiled, put the pan into the steamer or wok, cover it, and steam for 15 minutes. Once 15 minutes has gone by, take the lid off. 
  6. Take it out of the wok, take out the cupcakes, and repeat until all the batter is gone. Wait until the cupcakes cool down before eating them. Enjoy! There is no need for frosting. :) 

If you want to steam them in a round cake pan, grease the pan, and steam for 30-35 min.



  1. Replies
    1. Thanks! And, you'll love baking once you start doing it again. I know that once I started picking up baking, I couldn't stop. It's fun and rewarding.

  2. Thanks for sharing all the great recipes. I will have to make time to start up baking again. Cheers! :)

  3. Thank You Helen for a great recipe!!! Happy Chinese New Year!!! Good Fortune and Best Wishes to your whole family!


    1. Thank you! You too! Sorry about the late reply.

  4. Thank you for the receipt! Easy to make.
