
Saturday, December 6, 2014

What's Coming Up Next Semester

It has been a while since I had posted here. At least it is not a three month gap I had last time! I am extremely sorry for being spotty on posting here but my main blog is Hevil's Healthy Devil.

I am keeping this blog because it has archived my life for the past few years and I don't want to lose it.

Anyway, life has been crazy. The past few months have been crazy and stressful. I decided to take this semester off after trying to take the second part of chemistry for 6 weeks. The only way to drop the class was to drop the semester, so, I did. Crazy things have happened since I got a novio during the summer til the time we broke up (and after). I have also been working more since I took the semester off.

The FAN Club (Food and Nutrition Club) has been doing pretty well this semester. We had a Nutrition Panel and it was a good experience.

So, my plan for next semester is to get into a Nutrition Class. It's ridiculous how there are not enough nutrition classes for our major. I register for classes on Wednesday but the classes I can take for my major are all full. I can't take further nutrition classes until I take this one class. This class is a new prereq for some classes that I need to take. It is actually a new class, since it has only been a year since they have offered it.

The classes that I KNOW I will be taking next semester are Spanish and Mandarin. I'll have to see if I can get into a nutrition class. If not, I will be taking random classes next semester to get the units.

Another thing I didn't mention in my other post is that I probably won't become a Registered Dietitian. My plan is to get a BA in Nutrition and get a Master's in Public Health. Becoming a Dietitian means a lot of science and it isn't really for me.

I guess that is it for now. I will continue posting here once in a while but be sure to follow my other blog, Hevil's Healthy Devil.

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