
Friday, May 23, 2014


Happy Friday everyone! How are you guys doing today? I'm doing fine, thank you very much.

Here's a song that shows how I feel right now.

It's summer time! Well, it is until my summer class starts the week after next. I will be taking Nutrition and Metabolism. Fun!

I guess that is all I can say for now. I won't be running the half-marathon I planned to run but that's okay. I will be running one in October, the Urban Cow Half-Marathon. It'll be a yearly tradition for me!

How have you guys been?
What are your plans for summer?

Monday, May 5, 2014


Hey hey everyone. It's been a while since I posted here. Head over to my other blog, where I post more often. It's called Hevil's Healthy Devil.

I still post here because I have so many memories with this blog. I captured my entire China trip experience here! Oh, memories. Anyway, I should be talking about what I have been up to lately. Here's the scoop.

  • I ran a 10 mile race last Sunday. It was the Capital City Classic. 
  • Ballroom dancing is so much fun! I have a new interest for ballroom dancing. 
  • My classes this semester are going pretty good so far. I had a group presentation in my Spanish class today. It was on Cuba. I did my part of the presentation on Cuban hip-hop, rap, and salsa. I played some Cuban hip-hop music and I danced salsa with un amigo. I got an A on the presentation. 
  • I ate thai food for the first time last week. My co-workers and I went out to eat and it was pretty nice eating out with them. Thai food tastes so good! I don't like the smell of the food though. 
  • The semester is almost over. I can't believe it!
One last thing I want to say is that I think I know where I want to head with nutrition/dietetics. I want to go in the direction of public health and food policy. I have been volunteering with two state departments for a while and it has really opened my eyes. When I first started college, I was heading towards becoming a pediatric dietitian, working with children. Now, I'm interested in public health and food policy. 

Anyway, I guess that's it for now. I really hope to study abroad one day

What about you guys been up to? 
What are your plans for the summer?