
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Vanilla Granola

What a nice way to start off Spring Break, with pouring rain. I guess it's a good thing because we've been in a drought for a long time. But, it just ruins the day and makes things all gloomy. I just hate rain. I like bright sunny blue skies and 70-80 degree weather. I guess that's just me though.
Anyway, I decided to try to make my day a little bit better by making granola. I love granola. It's delicious, but it's almost quite expensive to buy. You can eat granola by itself, with milk, on yogurt, it's yummy. It's especially good with fat free frozen yogurt.
Today is my first time making granola and I have to say, it didn't turn out as bad as I thought. I thought that I'd probably burn the whole thing, but I didn't. I burnt 1/8 of it. I waited 10 minutes before stirring the batch, while I should have done it every 5 minutes or so. I've learned my lesson. But, hey, I know what to do next time and I still have great tasting granola. It's cheaper than store bought ones and much healthier. If you make 10 servings, it's around 115 calories. I don't know how much that is though. Just divide it into 10 servings and see how it turns out. Anyway, here's the recipe. Enjoy. :)


  • 2 cups old fashioned oats
  • 1 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 cup brown sugar
  • 1/4 cup honey
  • 2 tablespoons vanilla extract
  • 2 tsp canola oil
1. Preheat the oven to 350 F.

2. In a bowl, mix together the oats, cinnamon and brown sugar. 

3. Add in the oil, honey and vanilla extract. Mix well.

4. Pour the mixture onto a pan and spread it out. 

5. Bake for 20 minutes, mixing it every 4 to 5 minutes. Make sure it doesn't burn.

6. Enjoy 

So, what type of weather do you guys like?
What's your favorite food?

Sunday, March 25, 2012

What I did today: THE HUNGER GAMES!!! and food and fitness

"May the odds be ever in your favor." Apparently, not for Katniss's sister. Every year, in the nation of Panem (in the once known area as North America), there are 12 districts. 1 boy and 1 girl are chosen as tributes to represent their District in the annual Hunger Games. During the "reaping" in District 12, the coal district,  Katniss's sister Prim is picked. Wanting to protect her sister, Katniss volunteers herself as tribute, making her the first volunteer in their District. To make things worse, Peeta is chosen as the male tribute. He helped her during her family's great time of need, when they were close to starvation. As it turns out, Peeta had a long time crush on Katniss and this plays an important role in the movie as well as the book. Let's just say that the idea of "star crossed lovers" is very appealing.
Ok, so, why did I just talk about the Hunger Games? Well, I watched the movie today with friends. It was awesome! For the most part, it followed the book, which is good. Jennifer Lawrence did a great job portraying the role of Katniss and you can tell she was into it. With the emotion she put in, it was great. Same with Josh Hutcherson, who played Peeta. They seemed so much in love (well, Peeta, that is). I have to say, Katniss is better off with Peeta than with Gale. haha. I say that because Gale looked pretty jealous when he saw them together during the games. They both are pretty cute though. However, Gale seems more like a brother to her, helping take care of her family. Katniss really loves her sister.
So, anyway, I still can't stop thinking about the movie. So, the movie theatre is located in a mall, so, after watching the movie, I went shopping. I didn't buy anything though. After shopping, me and my friends were hungry, so we went to the food court. Faced with Panda Express, Sbarro, Hot Dog on a Stick, Mediterranean Food, another Asian food place, a sandwich place and some other food court stalls, I decided to choose the Mediterranean food. I've been to the mall so many times, but I've never actually eaten the food from the Mediterranean place. It was my first time eating there. Wanting to eat healthy, I chose their vegetarian plate. With it came pita bread, hummus, Tabouleh, and baba ghanouj. It was delicious! Here's a picture:
Looks appetizing, right? It certainly tasted good, and the cashier was really nice. He gave me a free drink. I'm definitively eating here more often from now on. It's healthy compared to the other food court choices. I got the Blueberry Fulfilling from Jamba Juice after. The blueberry fulfilling is my favorite. :)

So, after having a fun day at the mall, I decided to try out a new workout video I found online. Here it is:

It was a great workout! It may look easy, but it's killer.

So, how was your guy's weekend?
Have you read the Hunger Games?

Sunday, March 18, 2012


I can't believe it. After hearing about Shirataki noodles a long long time ago, I finally bought them! They are a bit expensive though, but, they are worth every penny. Well, it's because they are healthy and  they are really low in calories. And, I mean really low. I bought the Tofu Shirataki and there were 2 servings in the package, each 20 calories. That's a total of 40 calories in the package, and it's a lot of noodles! The only downside is that there's a strange odor to the noodles and that the noodles are a bit tasteless and rubbery. As long as you add sauce, seasonings and other things, it'll taste just fine. You can cook it any way you want too.
For me, I just used whatever was in the house to cook these noodles. We hadn't gone grocery shopping in a while, and we were running low on things. So, instead of shrimp and chicken, I used turkey sausage. At least we had some green beans. I also added some soy sauce too. Anyway, you can make it any way you want. I hope you enjoy this. If you can, use shrimp and chicken instead, but, really, any type of meat is fine. 

  • Shirataki noodles
  • meat (diced, cut) shrimp, chicken, anything you want. 
  • vegetables (frozen veggies, green beans, broccoli)
  • soy sauce
  • sesame oil
  1. Boil the vegetables. 
  2. Rinse the noodles, and then boil for a few minutes. 
  3. Add sesame oil to a pan and cook the meat. Then, add the vegetables and noodles. 
  4. Cook over the heat for about 4 minutes. Then, add the soy sauce and mix it in well. 
  5. Put the noodles on a plate or anything you want to eat them with and enjoy. 

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Single Serving Whole Wheat Pancakes (Low Calorie!)

 Hey Everyone! How is your weekend going? Mines have been alright. I went food shopping (Costco). I also got some frozen yogurt from the Food Court Yum.
So, I know that my sleeping pattern will be messed up tomorrow because of Daylights Saving Time. Really, what is the point of it? I really don't know. I don't think it saves any energy.
Anyway, I made these pancakes this morning. They're quite delicious too, if I say so myself. They're quick and easy to make. They're also really healthy, and can be made vegan. I made dorayaki with the pancakes. All I did was add red bean and made sandwich with two small pancakes. Quick, easy, and delicious. I just had to add red bean paste, because I love red bean. Here's the picture:

Looks delicious, right? They're also healthier than the other red bean dorayaki I made. Anyway, here's the recipe for these pancakes. Enjoy. :)


  • 1/4 cup whole wheat flour 
  • 1/4 cup fat free milk (soy milk, almond, your choice)
  • 2 packets of Splenda
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 3/4 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon (optional)

1. In a bowl, mix together the dry ingredients. 

2. Then, mix in the wet ingredients. 

3. Heat a skillet to medium heat. 

4. Cook these "pancakes". Wait for bubbles to form before flipping. 

5. This should make about 4 to 5 pancakes. 2 sandwiches. 

6. Add red bean paste to make the sandwiches Enjoy.